Statistics 3502/6304 Prof. Eric A. Suess Chapter 2
Collecting Data Observational Studies Surveys Experimental Studies Skip section 2.5 for now. This is what is presented in Stat 3503/6305. The topic is Designs of Experimental Studies.
Part I: Observational Studies What is an observational study? What is an experimental study?
Variables What is a variable? What is an explanatory variable? What is a response variable? What is a confounding variable?
The results of a Study The goal usually is to make a cause-and-effect conclusion. This is not usually possible. With observational studies can show associations, but not causation. Causation is something discussed with Experimental Studies. See page 20.
Types of Observational Studies Sample Surveys Prospective Studies Retrospective Studies Cohort Studies Case-Control Studies
Part 2: Surveys Target population Sample Sampled population Observational unit Sampling Unit Sampling Frame
Example of a survey Political Poll What is the target population? All adults in the US or registered voters? What is the sample? A 1000 adults in the US or 1000 people we can call on landline phones. The sampled population is very different from the target population. The observational unit is the phone number. The sampling unit is the oldest adult, maybe.
Surveys, ways of taking sample Simple Random Sample Stratified Random Sample Cluster Sample Systematic Sample
Problems with Surveys Nonresponse Measurement Errors Bias
Survey Techniques Personal Interviews Telephone Interviews Self-Administered Questionaire Direct Observation
Part 3: Experimental Studies Designed Experiments Factors Measurements Observations Controlled Treatment Experimental Unit Measurement Unit Replication
Examples of an experiment Example 2.4 page 32 shrimp farming Example 2.5 page 34 frying pans Example 2.6 rats Example 2.7 shrimp