TWO HILLS, FOUR TREES MATTHEW 27. The “Hill” of Calvary Bible doesn’t say it was a hill or mount Assumptions: A place near Fort Antonia Mark 15:44-45.


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Presentation transcript:


The “Hill” of Calvary Bible doesn’t say it was a hill or mount Assumptions: A place near Fort Antonia Mark 15:44-45 Either the road to Joppa or road to Damascus

What does the Bible say? Mark 15:21 met Simon on his way coming out of the country and passing by (not a bystander) Jesus was crucified outside the gate Hebrews 13:10-14 Golgotha was near the city John 19:20 Jn 19:41-42 Now in the place where He was crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb in which no one had yet been laid. So there they laid Jesus, because of the Jews' Preparation Day, for the tomb was nearby. Tomb was hewn out of the rock Mark 15:46

The “Hill” of Calvary Bible doesn’t say it was a hill or mount Assumptions: A place near Fort Antonia Mark 15:44-45 Either the road to Joppa or road to Damascus Many could have a view from a distance Mark 15:40-41 The tomb was in hilly area where Jesus was crucified Hill of Calvary is consistent conclusion from scripture

The “Why” of Calvary Jesus was crucified because of envy Mt. 27:18 It was God’s secret plan 1 Cor. 2:7-8, Eph. 3:1-11 It was prophesied by God Isaiah 53, Psalm 22 Jesus died between two thieves Mark 15:27-28 Three crosses: one innocent man, two guilty i.e. three “trees” 1 Pt. 2:24 “Cross” = “tree” We are like the guilty but forgiven thief or We are like the guilty and unforgiven thief What’s the difference? Luke 23:33-43 Faith, repentance, confession, and asking

The Other Tree on the Other Hill Judas betrayed innocent blood Judas was sorry 2 Cor. 7:9-11 Judas tried to fix his own sin alone He did not succeed Judas went and hanged himself Matt. 27:1-10 He climbed the Hill of Regret all alone He died alone Acts 1:18-20 Field of blood because his body spilling on the ground Eternally alone Acts 1:25 his own place

Your Choice You have sinned Rom. 3:23 You can be sorry like Judas You cannot fix sin yourself alone Rom. 5:6-8 Despair and die in sin, eternally lost! Alone You can be selfish like 1 st Thief, die in sin You can be sorry like 2 nd Thief Repent, ask in faith for Jesus’ mercy Acts 2:38 How we ask Him today (not prayer) baptism is asking for a good conscience 1 Peter 3:21, calling on the name of the Lord in Acts 22:16