Study Skills for Year 7 by Mrs Deakin and Mrs Purchase Learning mentors
Stimulates the right (pictures) and left (words) side of the brain Makes use of different Learning styles Mirrors how the brain works Saves time - you only record key words Makes use of linking Why use a mind map? Easy to review, easy to recreate from memory Can be used to help organise your thoughts in the exam and crossed out later! Ideas are easy to remember
Prepare bag night before Organisation skills Timetable Time to study Correct equipment Quiet place to work Use and check planner! Prepare bag night before
Typical homework Timetable Day Subject 3.30-4.30pm 4.30-5pm 5.30-6pm 6-6.30pm 6.30-7pm Monday English Maths science Dance club Dinner Science Tuesday Art Geography Fave t.v geography Out with friends Wednesday R.E Netball maths Guides Thursday Drama PSHE ICT netball PSHE/ICT Friday History Technology French Saturday F A D M I Y L y Sunday Take a 5 minute break after each homework subject, drink plenty & if your stuck, ASK FOR HELP!
Some practical ways to go about homework Colours, highlighters Pens, pencils, rulers Water Planner Paper; plain, lined & graph Post its Calculator Computer access
Talk It Through With Someone : With a parent With a friend With a member of staff Discuss the topic together Ask the person to explain it while you listen Explain it to them while they listen
Relaxation Techniques Sit in a comfortable position Close your eyes Take 5 deep breaths Repeat above until you feel more relaxed Write down the things that are worrying you Go for a walk Do some exercise Do some yoga, meditation or massage Watch a good film Be positive & believe in yourself Tell yourself you can do it!