1 Welcome to B Ed 2 Student as Teacher
Calendar Timetable –Trimester 1 Days on campus: Tuesday Wednesday Friday –Trimester 2 Days on campus: Monday Wednesday Thursday School experience –Middle Primary –25 th March – 29 th March –Easter Holiday –One week preparation including campus feedback input Wed 10 th April –15 th April – 17 th May 2
Course Outline Trimester 1 –Aesthetics 2 –Contexts for Learning –Humanities 2a Trimester 2 –School and Professional Studies: Middle Primary Placement –Humanities 2b –Maths and Science 2 4
ModuleSummative Assessments Aesthetics 2Completion of Tasks ContextsAssignment Humanities 2aAssignment SPS Placement 2School and tutor reports Humanities 2bAssignment Maths and Science 2Maths Exam and Science Assignment 5
Module Structure 200 effort hours per module = 600 hours per trimester –approximately 40 hours per week (contact and non-contact time) Lecture + workshop/seminar/tutorial + independent study Workshop/seminar/tutorial –collaborative working, discussions, presentations, reflections on reading, analysing theory, lesson planning Independent study –read recommended texts/articles/chapters, re-read and annotate lecture notes/handouts, identify questions, work on assignments 6
Attendance 100% attendance expected (Regulation 5.7.3) If lower than 75% attendance in a module, then withdrawal from placement (fail) Procedure –Monitoring Lecturers, module co-ordinators, Year Group Leader –10% absence from module First from Claire Fowler –20% absence from module Second from Claire Fowler Meeting with Programme Leader –More than 25% absence from module Meeting with Programme Leader No placement. 7
Assessment Examination –dates on Moodle –student responsibility to confirm Assignment Submission –Dates of submission should be met –Requests for extensions contact module co-ordinator; provide required evidence –Late submissions (up to one week) 10% late penalty –Failure to submit recorded as fail –Plagiarism refer to handbook –Mitigation refer to Moodle and handbook If you have a 3 rd and final attempt you must contact the module co-ordinator to discuss the assessment, and dates for resit / resubmission.
Progression Three attempts at academic modules Two attempts at school experience You may progress carrying academic modules provided there is not a prerequisite for successful completion before progressing. e.g. Maths and Science 2 in trimester 2 of BEd2 must be passed before progressing to Maths and Science 3 in trimester 1 of BEd3 9
Professional Conduct On-campus lectures and seminars –timekeeping –participation and concentration –mobile ‘phones On placement –attitude and values –commitment and work ethic –dress code –timekeeping –Communication All students should access Moodle on a daily basis to keep up to date with current information. 10
Student Officers/Class Representatives Staff Student Liaison Group 2 officers from each section 3 meetings per year Names to me by Friday 28 September 11
Communication Moodle –B.Ed Information site –module sites –Check on daily basis Section representatives 12
Catholic Religious Education Distance Learning (CREDL) Glasgow University distance learning Inform Programme Leader and Mary Hunter –aim to allocate placements in RC schools Hope to establish ‘support groups’ –students in all year groups –local priest 13
Contact Details Jennifer EllisProgramme Yonah Matemba Year Group c.uk Jim MacleanSenior Mary HunterSchool Experience Secretary School Office Cheryl MoirStudent