YEAR 11 – EXAM PERIOD Monday 1 st June - Friday 5 th June WEEK 4
REMEMBER: Morning exams (AM) – arrive by 8.40am Afternoon sessions (PM) –arrive by 1.30pm Check your exam timetable carefully. If there are any mistakes you must see the exams officer before the exam. STUDY PASS: You do not need to attend form unless you are in an English or maths form group. X NO STUDY PASS: You must continue to attend form.
Monday 1 st June Period 1 & 2: Not in History – normal lessons for Computing, Dance GCSE, Film Studies students. BTEC Sport lessons for students who have not yet completed the exam (check lists). V-Cert Performance Skills catch up for 4 students only (check lists). Lie in for all other students Period 3 & 4: All Year 11 students in MATHS IMMERSION Period 5: Normal lessons for Geography, History and Product Design students only. All other students go home. Child Development session is cancelled.
Period 1 & 2: Normal lessons – Geography, Computing, Triple Science and BTEC Sport students (all not passed exam). V-Cert catch up for 5 students (check lists) All other students – lie in. Period 3-4: All Year 11 students in MATHS IMMERSION Period 5: NO LESSONS. Computing & Geography immersion only. All other students – GO HOME Tuesday 2 nd June
Period 1&2: Science immersion or V-Cert Performance Skills. Period 3 & 4: ALL YEAR 11 STUDENTS in immersion. Geography takes priority. All other students in MATHS. Period 5: Normal lessons for Food, Graphics, History, Resistant Materials and all BTEC students who have not yet passed the exam. Wednesday 3 rd June
Thursday 4 th June Period 3 & 4: Science Immersion B1 and OCR Science. V-Cert Performance Skills for 1 student. Students who are not sitting core or re-sitting OCR exam do not need to attend. Period 5: Normal lessons for Geography & Triple Science students only. V-Cert Performance skills catch up for 5 students (check lists). All other students – go home.
Period 1: EDEXCEL GCSE MATHS – 11y1, 11y2, 11z1, 11z2 only. Period 3 & 4: Science Immersion – B1 and OCR exam students only. All other students GO HOME. Period 5: no lessons or immersion. Friday 5 th June