Year 10 Induction Evening, 2014
This Evening Introduction Expectations / 6 th Form Requirements GCSE Examinations Controlled Assessment Homework Monitoring SLG Support Wellbeing Attendance & Punctuality Out of school Concerns
GCSE Success In 2014, 100% of students achieved at least 5 A*-C grades at GCSE including English and Maths. 100% of students achieved A*-C grades in ALL GCSEs taken. An astonishing 85% of examinations taken were awarded an A*-A grade and 99% at A*-B. 46% of grades were awarded A*. 6 th Form Requirements for 2016 Entry will remain the same as in previous years; 4 A grades and 2 B grades, including Grade B in Maths and English Language.
Examinations Core Science is examined at the end of Year 10 All other subjects are examined at the end of Year 11.
Controlled Assessment Controlled Assessment is an element of many subjects at GCSE. Level of control varies depending on the stage of the Controlled Assessment. ICT Facilities are provided where necessary. Absences should be avoided. Malpractice can lead to disqualification. Timetable is available now; a paper copy has been handed out tonight.
Year 10 Examinations Year 10 Exams run from 20 th – 27 th April, Internal exams and students will be provided with a timetable nearer the time. Dates for the external Science Exams (Core Science) will be given later in the year.
Study at GCSE Study skills Important to get into good habits and build on foundation from earlier years. Organisation / deadlines Homework diaries Homework timetable. Approximately two hours per night.
Monitoring Information from teachers about progress Year 10 first Report – December Examination results Internal examinations in Year 10; mock examinations in Year 11. Problems may include organisation, lack of understanding in a subject, underachieving in a subject, behaviour issues.
SLG SLG is the new Parent Portal for accessing Reports and Data. It replaces E-Portal from this academic year.
Monitoring Target Setting takes place over the next few weeks; GCSE Targets based on prior attainment across the past three years of study Meetings with Form Tutor / Senior Tutor / Assistant Senior Tutor Journal; organisation, homework, behaviour. Mentoring Programme
Support Form Tutors. Subject Teachers. Senior Tutor (Miss Williams) / Assistant Senior Tutor (Mr Payne). Home / School Partnership.
Wellbeing Enrichment lessons as part of the 10 day cycle. Mindfulness. Extra Curricular Activities. External Support / Advice; Careers Advisor Relate/42 nd street Counsellor Educational Psychologist
Attendance Essential to maintain good attendance; Below 95% attendance will trigger a letter home; Below 85% Persistent Absentee (DfE Guidelines) Punctuality; 8.40am Start Remind your daughters about the need to be punctual to lessons!
Out of School Extra curricular activities (sports / music / dance/ drama/ computing etc) Social life Friendship problems Mobile phones Internet – social media Employment
Contacts Senior Tutor (Miss Williams) / Assistant Senior Tutor (Mr Payne) -concerns directed to relevant staff Mrs Crossley - Pastoral Assistant (attendance, punctuality, absence) Educational Welfare Officer
Key Dates December 2014; Y10 Interim Report 26 th March 2015; Y10 Parents’ Evening 20 th – 27 th April 2015; Year 10 Internal Exams July 2015; End of Year Report