ImpeachMajority RuleRatifyFederalismBill of Rights AppointArticlesOverrideJusticeRepublic PreambleBicameralInterest GroupTerm Interstate Commerce Checks and balances VetoConstitution Judicial review Congress FramersUnconstitutionalDemocracyAmendmentDomestic
To put on trial. If found guilty, remove from office. Example: Congress can impeach the president.
To pick…rather than elect. Example: The president appoints Supreme Court Justices.
The introduction to The Constitution of the U.S. Example: The Preamble lists the goals of the constitution. (in one long run-on sentence)
A system that limits the power of each of the 3 branches of government to prevent one from becoming too powerful. Example: The president can veto a bill from congress. That is an example of checks and balances.
The writers of the Constitution. Example: Many of the framers of the Constitution feared a strong federal government.
A system in which decisions are made by a majority vote. Example: If 51% of the members of the Senate support a bill, it passes by majority rule.
Portions of the U.S. Constitution Example: The Constitution is broken into 7 different articles.
A legislature that is divided into two parts. Example: The U.S. Congress is bicameral. It has the House of Representatives and the Senate.
To refuse to sign a bill into law. To reject it. Example: The president can veto a bill passed by congress.
Not following the constitution. I llegal. Example: The Supreme Court can declare a law to be unconstitutional.
A formal approval. To sign. Example: After the Constitutional Convention, 9 out of the 13 states had to approve the new Constitution for it to be ratified.
To ignore a rejection and be the final authority. Example: Congress can override a presidential veto with a 2/3 majority vote.
A group of people who organize to cause the government to act favorably on their behalf. Example: AARP (American Association of Retired People) Is a very large interest group that reminds lawmakers to think of the wants and needs of older voters.
The written law of the United States. Example: In the U.S., the Constitution is more powerful than any one person or branch of the government. We are ruled by law.
A system of government in which the majority rules. Example: Although we are technically a republic, Americans practice democracy in many parts of our government and daily lives. Can you think of some examples in which the majority wins?
A system that shares power between the state and federal government. Example: The framers of the constitution were federalists who didn’t want the national government to be too powerful.
Two definitions 1. A judge 2. Enforcing the law Examples: 1. There are 9 Supreme Court Justices. 2. The Preamble calls for the Constitution to establish justice.
The length of time one serves in a government position. (Length of time “in office”) Examples: The presidents term is 4 years. (2 terms maximum) Senators have 6 year terms. House members have 2 year terms.
The power of the Supreme court to determine if laws or acts are constitutional. Example: Judicial review is one way that our government uses checks and balances.
A change or addition to something. Example: There are 27 amendments to the Constitution. The first 10 amendments are called the Bill of Rights.
The first 10 amendments to the Constitution that outline the rights and freedoms of U.S. citizens. Example: Because Americans were concerned that the Constitution didn’t describe citizens’ rights, the framers of the Constitution added the Bill of Rights quickly after the Constitution was ratified.
A system of government in which all people (including the leaders) are ruled by the law. Example: The U.S. government is a federal republic that uses some elements of a democracy.
Commerce (business or trade) between states. Example: The Constitution encouraged interstate commerce so the country would form a stronger economy. Under the Articles of Confederation, states were competing with each other, rather than cooperating.
The legislative branch of our government that is broken into two parts, the House (of representatives) and the Senate. Example: Congress meets in the U.S. capitol building.
Referring to things inside the country. Also… often refers to things inside of a family. Example: One of the goals of the Constitution listed in the Preamble is to insure domestic tranquility, which means keep peace inside the country.