Help students adjust to their new school Choose subjects &levels in 1 st yr & leaving cert Think about courses & careers after school Help students going through a difficult time during adolescent years
W HAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE ? GardaAccountant Computer Games Designer CarpenterDoctorTeacher - What subjects do I need to be a ….? -Where can I train to be a…………….?
S UBJECT C HOICES 1 st year: Sample all Gaeilge, English, Maths, French, History, Geography, Science, Religion, SPHE, Geography, Business Studies, CSPE, Computers, P.E., Music, Art, Materials Technology (Wood), Technical Graphics Leaving Cert: Choose 7 Gaeilge, English, Maths, French, Physics, Chemistry, Applied Maths, Biology, Agricultural Science, Business Studies, Accounting, Design & Communication Graphics, Construction Studies, Music, Art, History, Geography, LCVP Special Education Needs
A T IME OF T RANSITION A time of uncertainly and change Need support from family and school: It is very exciting and interesting time Encouragement StructurePraise Time Confidence/ Voice Reassurance
S UPPORT S YSTEM : P ASTORAL C ARE Classroom teacher Class Tutor Chaplain Guidance Counsellor Deputy Principal President Monitors Student Council Study Buddy Year Head Student
I NDUCTION IN S EPTEMBER N EW Induction programme in September which addresses: New approach to homework and study What do I do if? Taking responsibility for own learning and improving organisational skills Time of growth, opportunity & new experiences Empower the student to ask questions and find answers SchoolTeachersFriendsSportsRulesTimetableLocker