KS4 Pathways Netherhall School
KS4 Pathways Career Paths The Curriculum Maximising Success Measuring Success The Process Netherhall School
KS4 Pathways KS4 GCSEsApplied Courses (BTECs/Nationals) Further Education VocationalAcademic EmploymentHigher Education Career Paths Applied
KS4 Curriculum KS4 Pathways The Core – Compulsory Exam Courses “Options”– Up to 4 other Exam Courses Other educational experiences – eg PE, PSHE, work experience, extra-curricular activities
KS4 Curriculum KS4 Pathways The Core – Compulsory Exam Courses All students will do the following subjects: English Language English Literature Maths Science: either Core (Yr 10) + Additional (Yr 11) or Triple
KS4 Curriculum KS4 Pathways Options (Group A) The majority of students will do one language and either History or Geography French German Spanish History Geography
KS4 Curriculum KS4 Pathways Options (Group C) Some students will be invited to do a course which will support them in their other subjects Vocational Studies Study Support EAL
KS4 Curriculum KS4 Pathways Options (Group B) All students will do subjects from the following list to make up the remainder of their 4 options ICT Computing PE (GCSE) Sport BTEC Dance BTEC Art Drama Music Media Studies Business Studies Economics Philosophy & Ethics Health & Social Care Catering Electronics Graphics Resistant Materials
6 subjects should be selected in total This will allow for 2 reserve choices Each subject should be numbered 1 to 6 in order of preference KS4 Pathways The Option Request Form KS4 Curriculum
KS4 Pathways The Option Request Form KS4 Curriculum
KS4 Pathways The Option Request Form KS4 Curriculum
KS4 Pathways The Option Request Form KS4 Curriculum Whilst the vast majority of courses are mutually agreed, it is, however, sometimes necessary for the school to refuse certain requests. We expect most courses to run, but, if any particular subject does not attract enough students, we may have to cancel it and use reserve subjects.
KS4 Curriculum Take into account: interests abilities variety and balance content of each subject future career path guidance of teachers and KS Office Options KS4 Pathways
Maximising Success School Students Parents English, Maths and Science Expectations, aims and aspirations KS4 Pathways
Measuring Success No modular exams All exams take place at the end of the course New style GCSEs in Maths and English (increased content; different grading system) KS4 Pathways Recent changes:
Measuring Success Replaces the 5+ A*-C with English and Maths measure Measures attainment across 8 subjects Making progress to achieve potential is key KS4 Pathways Attainment 8
Measuring Success Measures higher grades achieved in specific subjects Grade 5 or above in English and Maths Grade C or above in 2 Sciences (including Computer Science), any Language and either Geography or History KS4 Pathways English Baccalaureate
Maximising Success One size doesn’t fit all Guidance interviews Decisions Matching requests with courses KS4 Pathways
The Process Tue 13 JanParents’ Information Evening Wed 14 Jan – Fri 16 JanRegistration Activities Fri 16 JanCollapsed Lessons with Form Tutor Mon 19 Jan – Fri 23 JanLunchtime Drop-In Sessions Mon 19 Jan – Fri 6 FebGuidance Interviews Mon 9 FebDeadline for submitting choices KS4 Pathways
The Process Careers Office: Miss Lambley, Tony French (ChYPS) KS3 team: Mrs Wilders, Miss Baker, Mrs Griggs KS4 team: Mr Carlson, Mr Fraser, Mr Ward Mrs Underwood Mr Wilson subject teachers form tutor family and friends KS4 Pathways Who can help?