BW: In journal, brainstorm as many controversial issues as you can think of. Level 3: you can discuss, steal ideas from friends if you want -- you may either just LIST them, or write about your opinions on one or more of them. You have about 15 minutes.
Persuasive Essays
The Persuasive Essay Is a formal paper. You do not mention “I/we.” All your beliefs are stated as facts. Goal is to convince the reader that you are right. Title reflects your opinion and is interesting Has five paragraphs: the introductory paragraph, the first, second, and third body paragraphs, and the conclusion paragraph. First sentence of introductory paragraph is an interest-catcher.
The Persuasive Essay contd. Body of introductory paragraph is general, but interesting. Gets more and more specific. Thesis statement is the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. It is your opinion, stated as a fact, in third person, and it has three supporting details listed in the order in which you are going to present them. Body paragraphs present the supporting details in the order in which the thesis statement listed them
The Persuasive Essay contd. Conclusion paragraph is specific at beginning, but gets more general at the end, connecting to “the big picture.” First sentence of conclusion paragraph restates the thesis in a more powerful way. First sentence of every body paragraph is a “topic sentence” of that paragraph
The Persuasive Essay contd. There are transitional words/phrases connecting every paragraph to every other paragraph. Yes, topic sentences double as transitional statements. The paper must not read as a list. Always refer to what you just said in the previous paragraph. Job of the entire paper is to prove the thesis statement. Job of paragraphs is to prove their topic sentences.
How to Choose a General Topic Consult for a list of topics, or choose your own. Pick an issue or subject that you really care about. Do you feel passionate about this topic? Do you care about it? Pick something that is controversial. Are there two sides to the topic? Is there a reason to persuade people to think a certain way about this topic? Pick something for which there is evidence. Can you find sources? (in the high school library? the public library?) Pick something that your audience will be interested in hearing. Something that matters. Pick something that is not overdone.
How to go from a general topic to a narrowed topic: Decide whether you are for or against your issue. Or a combination Why do people need to be persuaded about this topic? Put your topic in a question form and answer it. Usually this question will begin with the world "should" and can be answered with a "yes" or "no.“ Example: Should the school year be extended year round?
HOW TO GO FROM A NARROWED TOPIC TO A THESIS The thesis is the main idea of your paper. It is the point you are going to prove. Reword your question into a statement. Make it unique - it will make your topic more interesting and fun. Example: To ensure that students get the best education, the school calendar should be extended year round. Then, after a bit of research, add your three reasons To ensure that students get the best education, the school calendar should be extended year round because____, _____, and ____.
This Assignment
Persuasive Essay 5 paragraph essay Must have actual facts to support thesis 4 or more sources: ALL print sources. No free-surfing internet. You may either use the Cienega library database, or use your town library.
CHS LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION ONLINE DATABASES What is the difference between an internet search engine (Google, Yahoo, AskJeeves, etc.) and our subscription online databases?
CHS LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION ONLINE DATABASES Our databases are huge stores of PUBLISHED materials (books, magazines, academic journals, maps, newspapers, historical docs, TV/Radio transcripts, etc.). It is ALL reliable research material! NO ONE MONITORS THE RELIABILITY OF ALL WEBSITES FOUND THROUGH INTERNET SEARCH ENGINES!
CHS LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION ONLINE DATABASES Our library could never afford to purchase all the materials found in these databases, nor would we have room to store them! They are available to you from any computer with internet access, 24/7. It is like having access to the world’s largest libraries from anywhere. THEY ARE UPDATED SEVERAL TIMES DAILY!
CHS LIBRARY SUBSCRIPTION ONLINE DATABASES HOW DO YOU ACCESS THESE DATABASES? Go to: Look under “Weblinks” (on the left side menu) for our online databases and useful research sites. All subscription databases require Usernames and passwords.
Here are the passcodes. You can also obtain these at the Library.
Some Great Topics Abortion, Affirmative Action, Alcohol, Athlete, Capital Punishment, Censorship, Cloning, Drugs, Eating Disorders, Euthanasia, Genetic Engineering, Global Warming, Gay Marriage, Gun Control, Immigrants & Immigration, Internet Censorship, Internet Pornography, Internet Privacy, Marijuana, Media, Media Violence, Media and Women, Media Censorship, Military, Nutrition, Overpopulation, Racial Profiling, School Choice, Sports, Stem Cell Research, Steroids, Terrorism, Violence, War on Drugs
Should boxing be banned? Should the driving age be raised to 18? Should semi-automatic weapons be banned? Should teens who murder be executed? Should hunting be outlawed? Should recycling be mandatory?
Should schools require student uniforms? Should college athletes be paid? Should condoms be available in high school? Should the death penalty be abolished? Should handguns be banned? Should assisted suicide be permitted?
Should legal immigration be stopped? Should dying people be kept on life support? Should tobacco products be banned? Should the logging industry be allowed to harvest public forests? Should state lotteries be banned? Should alcoholic beverages be banned? Should alcoholic beverages be legalized for all ages? Should the Internet be censored?
Should school prayer be allowed? Should music lyrics be censored? Should extremist groups (i.e. KKK, skinheads) be banned? Should parents of teen vandals be held responsible for their child's damage? Should research on cloning be discontinued? Should convicted sex offenders' names be made public?
Should affirmative action laws which give special privileges to minorities be eliminated? Should a rookie salary cap be enforced in pro sports? Should students failing their classes in high school have their driver's license revoked? Should pros be allowed to draft college athletes before they graduate?
Should the U.S. provide foreign aid? Should females in the military be excluded from combat and other "hazardous" duties? Should high schools be segregated by the sex of the student? Should parents of students who are excessively absent from school be prosecuted under the law? Should "home schooling" be permitted? Should Native Americans be allowed to have gambling casinos on their reservations?
Should wolves be reintroduced to public lands? Should free, disposable needles be given to drug addicts? Should marijuana be legalized? Should adopted children be given the choice of contacting their biological parents? Should mothers who give their children up for adoption be allowed to keep their identity secret?
Should school funding come from local property taxes? Should casino gambling be legalized in Ohio? Should the U.S. phase out the Electoral College (regarding presidential elections)? Should abortion be legal? Should students be required to pass proficiency tests in order to graduate from high school? Should people pulled over for DUI have their licenses suspended for life?
Should pagers and cell phones be allowed in school? Should families of victims be allowed to decide the punishment of those who commit crimes? Should smoking be allowed in school?
Should welfare be limited by time? Should all pregnant women be required to take an AIDS test? Should off-shore drilling be banned? Should marijuana be legal?