Cathee Johnson Phillips, M.A. Executive Director, NPA June 2011
National Postdoctoral Association First: Thank you! The previous report on postdocs was a major catalyst for change; we expect this report to play an equally important role in giving the process of change new impetus.
Benefits of a Postdoc Provides opportunities to: Strengthen credentials through publishing and grant writing Expand knowledge base Interact with thought leaders in research area Interact with researchers “outside of discipline” Engage in interdisciplinary collaboration
Benefits of a Postdoc Today, also expected to provide opportunities to: Pursue professional development Receive more mentoring or guidance Establish networking base for future career options Explore geographically or institutionally
Disenfranchisement Isolation Perceived lack of status Lack of mentoring Inadequate compensation Inequitable, poor, or no benefits Career prospects Understanding career options outside of academia Developing/recognizing transferable skills Major Issues for Postdocs
Critical Issues Pros and cons of classification of postdocs: Employees vs. Trainees Impacts compensation and benefits The expansion of “postdoc” to “all” disciplines Advancing women and underrepresented groups Supply and demand: the “international” postdoc question The power of supervisors Career and funding prospects
National Postdoctoral Association NPA Efforts Institutional Policy Database In the process of establishing a regular survey effort to provide current data on postdocs –Instrument almost finalized for postdoc survey –Beginning work on survey of institutions Online toolkits/clearinghouses of information –NPA Core Competencies Focus groups/workshops NPA ADVANCE
National Postdoctoral Association NPA Institutional Survey Postdoctoral Compensation, Benefits, and Professional Development Opportunities VERY early stage of development Conducted Nov. 28 – Dec Institutions; 52% response rate; 42% completion rate
National Postdoctoral Association NPA Institutional Survey 47% reported that the minimum salary/stipend for postdocs is based the NIH-NRSA scale 79% provide health insurance, and the majority require that the postdocs pay 25% or less of the premium Only 40% provide paid maternity leave Regarding all benefits, in every case fellows had fewer or poorer benefits RCR training leads the way
National Postdoctoral Association NPA Institutional Survey 89% require that postdocs receive a letter of appointment 54% require that postdocs receive an annual performance evaluation/review. Fewer than half, or 32%, require exit interviews for postdocs. RCR training leads the way.
National Postdoctoral Association NPA ADVANCE is a project to adapt and disseminate promising institutional practices that can help women postdocs successfully transition to faculty careers. We provide: –Summary of current data on postdocs and gender –Online Clearinghouse of promising practices for institutions –Technical assistance to institutions seeking to implement programs for postdoc women –Forthcoming resource compendium of best practices Supported by National Science Foundation’s ADVANCE program
The Leaky Pipeline of Scientist Women Figure adapted from Mary Ann Mason, based on study from Goulden, Mason & Frasch 2009, “Staying Competitive Patching America’s Leaky Pipeline in the Sciences.” Ph.D. Receipt First Tenure-Track Position Tenure Postdoc Women Ph.D. Water Level “…at every academic career milestone the proportion of women in science and engineering declines. … In examining the transition into academic positions…, the declines are greatest in fields requiring a period of postdoctoral study” – National Research Council, Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering (2007)
National Postdoctoral Association NPA Recommendations Collect data! Establish and support postdoc offices Allow release time for professional development on research grants Require mentoring plans on grants and develop a system of evaluation that impacts supervisors’ careers Educate from the top down at research universities about postdocs Provide graduate offices information to help students carefully consider a postdoc
National Postdoctoral Association You Are Invited! NPA Annual Meeting March 16-18, 2011 Sir Francis Drake Hotel San Francisco, CA Saturday, March 17 Plenary and Town Hall Meeting 3:15 p.m. – 6 p.m.