Meet the Greeks Year 5 - am Eagles – pm Meet the Greeks Literacy Book Study – Cloud busting by Malorie Blackman Poetry: Cloud busting is a lyrical story,


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Presentation transcript:

Meet the Greeks Year 5 - am Eagles – pm Meet the Greeks Literacy Book Study – Cloud busting by Malorie Blackman Poetry: Cloud busting is a lyrical story, written in verse, that celebrates friendship and individuality. This book study also lends it’s well to our PHSE theme for this half term. The nature of the book lends itself perfectly to the study of poetic form, from free verse to Haikus and limericks. Children also study who the author is and her approach to writing. This unit includes the study of, Onomatopoeia, Comparing poems, Alliteration, Powerful verbs, Syllables, Rhythm, Collaborative work, Diminutives, Rhyme, Alternative story endings, Editing & checking own work, Performance poetry, Poetry that plays with language, Spellings, Thesaurus. Persuasive writing -: Children discover the art of persuasion on this three week journey. Starting with letters they distinguish between facts & opinions & make use of persuasive phrases through writing. Finally chn put together presentations on topical issues. Persuasive writing, Complex sentences, Powerful verbs, Letters, Research, Connectives, Summarising, Notes, Paragraphs, Issues & dilemmas, Argument, Debate, Editing & checking own work, Evidence from text, Newspapers & magazines, Spellings, Use ICT. Numeracy Calculate a rise/fall in temperature. Use the grid method to multiply two-digit numbers by two-digit numbers. to divide three-digit numbers by single-digit numbers, including those leaving a remainder, Choose mental, written or calculator methods to solve a range of multiplication and division problems. Tell the time using digital and analogue clocks using the 24-hour clock, Read timetables using the 24-hour clock, Calculate time intervals. Find simple percentages of quantities (e.g. 25%) and express one quantity as a percentage of another, Use ratio and proportion to describe the relationship between quantities, e.g. 3 red beads for every 2 blue beads, 3 out of every 5 beads are red Complete patterns with up to two lines of symmetry, Read and plot co-ordinates in the first quadrant, Draw the position of a shape after a reflection or translation. Solve mathematical puzzles, Explain methods and reasoning orally, Make general statements about patterns and relationships. PHSE Keeping Healthy Relationships with different people in our lives. Art: Working with Clay to model a variety of Greek artefacts. Mask making. Science: Water Remind children how important water is to all living organisms. Look at how little of the water present on earth is fresh & therefore drinkable. Children investigate how animals & plants adapt to arid conditions & create posters to encourage us to save water. This links to the current problem of the water shortage we face and potential hose pipe bands. In keeping with this theme as a school we are going to have a Science week where all classes will be experimenting with water in order to fully appreciate it’s usefulness and importance. Topic: Meet the Greeks A lot happened in Greece between 800BC and 146BC! Children use information books and suggested websites to identify the most significant events, dates and places in Ancient Greek history. We will investigate the leaders and fighters, believers and thinkers, artists and athletes, children and families of ancient Greece. This historical topic will lead us into our next topic which will be the Olympics. ICT: Skills are embedded with in lessons and skills are monitored and practised during projects. PE: Athletics Outdoors with Miss Kelly Games and Sports with Craig Outdoors. RE: The Bible Why the Bible is important to Christians? How the Bible is made up of different types of writing and authors Some bible stories and their significance to believers Music JDT Music

Meet the Greeks Summer Term