PhD Candidate Rights Sverre Lundemo Information day for PhD candidates The interest organization for doctoral candidates at NTNU
DION The interest organization for doctoral candidates at NTNU (Doktorkandidatenes interesseorganisasjon ved NTNU) Represent the PhD candidates at NTNU Answers hearings on behalf of the PhD candidates Assists candidates that encounter problems in relation to the university system Cooperation with labor organizations such as Forskerforbundet (Norwegian Association of Research Workers) and Tekna (The Norwegian Society of Chartered Technical and Scientific Professionals) ForskerforbundetTekna Does NOT give legal assistance
What is a PhD candidate at NTNU? Temporary employee (exception: Quota program) Regulated through ”Forskrift om ansettelsesvilkår for stillinger som postdoktor, stipendiat, vitenskapelig assistent og spesialistkandidat”. IMPORTANT: You are EMPLOYEES!! Thus the Civil Servants Act and the Health and Safety at Work Act applies PhD-education is regulated locally through Regulations concerning the philosophiae doctor degree (PhD) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Two important documents 1.Contract of employment Regulates working conditions Agreement between the PhD candidate and the financers (NTNU through the faculty, external institutions, e.g. SINTEF…) Salary, working hours (37.5) and work environment Appraisal interviews (Medarbeidersamtaler), codetermination Demand for acceptance to PhD-education and duty work
Two important documents 2. PhD-contract Regulates issues concerning the research Contract between PhD candidate, Department, Supervisor(s), Faculty and external institutions Plan of education and research Part A – Between PhD cand. and institution Part B – Between PhD cand. and supervisor(s) Part C – Between PhD cand., institution and external institution Mutual duties
Duty Work How much? Determined by the work contract (typically 25%, i.e. one year or approximately 1688 hours) What kind of work? If possible relevant for your PhD Normally no more than 10% administrative work Up to the institution to decide Large differences! Write hours!! Too much work will hurt YOU!
Duty Work It is the duty of the institution to ensure that the amount of duty work is not more than the amount defined by the work contract IMPORTANT: More duty work will take time from your research! Keep control of the hours, and tell your head of department!
Leave of Absence What reasons extends your contract? From the regulations (Forskrift om ansettelsesvilkår for stillinger som…) Any leave of absence defined by law or wage agreement. Central positions in national PhD organizations Reduced work time due to (extraordinary) care for children or close family Temporary (short) research or teaching positions But, as a general rule: Must be longer than two weeks (some exceptions, i.e. due to extraordinary care)
Leave of Absence As defined by the Working Environment Act §12: Maternity clinic check-up Maternity leave Leave due to care (paternity leave, adoption parents) Sick child leave Sick child care leave Breast-feed leave Care for relatives Education Military service Public office Dispute resolutions
Working Capital (Driftsmidler) Working capital follows the PhD candidate and is supposed to cover literature, conferences etc. Should NOT cover –Standard work space –Standard equipment (e.g. standard PC) –Costs related to the disputation, printing of thesis… Recommended for 2008: NOK (NTNU) Who controls the use of the working capital? The PhD candidate in relation with the supervisor NB! Differences between departments
If you get problems: Say something! Leave: Get documentation and apply for extension Problems between you and your supervisor: Talk with your supervisor, co- supervisor, head of department AS SOON AS POSSIBLE Labour legislation related problems: Contact your labour union DION can help you with who to contact
Who to contact Officially: Supervisor Head of department Personnel safety representative Informally: Representative in Department or Faculty Council DION Labour Union
Some extra info about DION.. Board meetings once a month, open for everybody Feel free to join us! You decide how much you want to do.
Thank you for your attention!