Enduring Understanding Government is essential to the existence of human beings in a civilized society. The purposes of government highlight the basic functions all governments must perform.
Essential Questions How is government involved in everyday life? Why is government important? How does the Preamble of the US Constitution highlight the purposes of our government?
We The People The Preamble of the United States Constitution
“more perfect Union” To create a government in which 13 states could come together to solve problems
“establish justice” Create a legal system that is fair and treats individuals equally
“ensure domestic tranquility” Promise that everything in the country will be peaceful
“provide for the common defense” Guarantee protection to everyone Establish a military on the national level
“promote the general welfare” Consider the needs of all individuals and provide basic services, such as education, sanitation, water, etc.
“secure the blessing of Liberty” Guarantee the rights established in the Constitution for all individuals
How would you create a “more perfect Union”? How do these principles relate to the four purposes of government? In what ways do we see these principles in our everyday life?