Expert Team on System Aspects and Interoperability Programme Glenn Greed, UKMO, Project Manager Interoperability Ulrich Schättler, DWD, Chairman of the ET Xiaohua Yang, Ryad El Khatib, Martin Janousek
th COSMO General Meeting – Offenbach, Germany 2 Expert Team on System Aspects Created to focus on: –Data pre- and post-processing, code aspects –Interoperability Programme submitted to the EUMETNET Council, May 2008 Because Rachel North is on maternity leave, Ulrich Schättler took over the role as chairman of the Expert Team on System Aspects in the middle of the year.
th COSMO General Meeting – Offenbach, Germany 3 System Aspects Expert Team Work Plan Accepted that we will Focus on SRNWP Interoperability –Year 1: To define a ‘standard output format’ for limited area model output –Year 1: To define a list of required meteorological parameters for this format There will be a Review Talk and an extra session on system aspects during the EWGLAM/SRNWP meeting in Athens
th COSMO General Meeting – Offenbach, Germany 4 3 year programme –22 participating members 5 deliverables 1.Define a standard output format 2.Document the ‘adaptor’ software specification 3.Provide 2-way adaptors from each consortium 4.Enable LAMs to use boundary and initial conditions from another model 5.Provide a sustainability plan for the outputs SRNWP Interoperability
th COSMO General Meeting – Offenbach, Germany 5 Progress Programme started on 1 st September 2008 Kick-Off meeting held at ECMWF from December 2008 Project Manager Rachel North replaced by Glenn Greed, UKMO (because of maternity leave) First 2 Deliverables were due at the end of May and end of August, resp. At the Kick-Off meeting, the partners agreed to deliver a sample data set in the standard output format at the end of July 2009 (which is Milestone M8, planned for July 2010).
th COSMO General Meeting – Offenbach, Germany 6 Deliverable 1: A report documenting the standard output format and including a list of parameters for which the output format is to be applied. An initial plan for ongoing maintenance of the standard will be provided. A draft has been set up and discussed with contributions from most partners The standard output format is GRIB 2; but every model can deliver products in the native grid, to avoid too many interpolations. So the adaptor Model Output Standard Output is “just” a GRIB1 GRIB 2 converter (it is recommended to use ECMWF GRIB-API) UKMO, DWD, MeteoFrance and HIRLAM provided such data sets (Milestone 8) SRNWP Interoperability
th COSMO General Meeting – Offenbach, Germany 7 Deliverable 2: Documentation describing the requirements and specification for the adaptor software. This document will include identification of the methods that can be used for implementing the adaptors and for maintenance of the software in connection with the consortia. The UK Met Office will coordinate the work in consultation with the global model providers. Documentation provided by MeteoFrance and DWD; UKMO and HIRLAM still missing SRNWP Interoperability
th COSMO General Meeting – Offenbach, Germany 8 BUT: Since mid of July we did not hear from the Project Manager So we do not know about the status of the deliverables and the whole programme! In principle we can now start the work! The first thing will be to implement I/O in GRIB 2 About GRIB 2: DWD now is planning to use ECMWF GRIB-API. Work is in progress to extend GRIB-API so that it can read and process DWD GRIB 1 fields. SRNWP Interoperability