Three Branches of the U.S. Government By: Your Name
E There are 3 Branches to the U.S. Government L J The White HouseThe U.S. CapitolThe Supreme Court
The E Branch Is made up of: The P And the Vice P The P is the Head of the E branch. This branch ensures that everyone in the court obeys the laws. The responsibilities of the P include: Picture of President
The L Branch Is also known as the Congress. This branch has the power to make laws. It is made up of two houses: The S And the H of R Picture of Congress
Congress The S is made up of # people from every state for a total of 100 members. The responsibilities of the S include: The number of representatives in the H of R from each state is determined by each state’s pop___. The responsibilities of the H of R include:
The J Branch Is made up of the S__ Court. The S__ Court is made up of # members who are appointed by the P. It is the highest court in the United States. The responsibilities of the J Branch/S Court include: Picture of S__ Court
Together, all three branches, the E, the L and the J all serve to govern and protect the people by leading the people, making just laws and prosecuting those who don’t follow the laws. Each branch serves as a “check on” for the other two. (Explain) This system is known as “Checks and Balances”.