Chaparral High School Tue., Jan. 13, 2015
Baylor Univ. will be here today, Tues, Jan. 11:15. Baylor offers academic excellence, service oriented campus & rated Div-1 sports. Please sign-up on Naviance.
The Chaparral Theater Company proudly presents the Good Doctor by Neil Simon tomorrow, Wed., Jan. 14, Thur. Jan. 15 & Fri., Jan.16 7 pm in the blackbox theater. Don’t miss this very funny play. Tickets $8 general admission, or $6 with a student activity card.
Boys& girls planning on trying out for the tennis teams must attend an informational mtg Thur., Jan., 7:15 in rm D 215. The mtg is mandatory if you plan to try out. Any questions please see Coach LeDuc or Coach Alcott. Boys& girls planning on trying out for the tennis teams must attend an informational mtg Thur., Jan., 7:15 in rm D 215. The mtg is mandatory if you plan to try out. Any questions please see Coach LeDuc or Coach Alcott.
Have you thought about taking Zoology??? Consider it! Mrs. MacColl will be back from maternity leave & teaching it!
SENIORS! The Scottsdale Community College Open House holding Fri, Feb 20, 9:30 to 1 pm. Tour SCC & learn about exciting academic/career opportunities. Transportation & lunch provided. To reserve your spot, sign up by Fri., Feb. 6 in College & Career Ctr. SENIORS! The Scottsdale Community College Open House holding Fri, Feb 20, 9:30 to 1 pm. Tour SCC & learn about exciting academic/career opportunities. Transportation & lunch provided. To reserve your spot, sign up by Fri., Feb. 6 in College & Career Ctr.
The Human Rights Club is having a meeting after school in D114. We will be taking our picture, discussing important issues, talking about an exciting visit from the Peace Corps, and planning upcoming events. The Human Rights Club is having a meeting after school in D114. We will be taking our picture, discussing important issues, talking about an exciting visit from the Peace Corps, and planning upcoming events.
International Club is collecting elementary school supplies for our Sister City, Alamos, Mexico. Needed are: pencils, erasers, paper, crayons & glue!...
…They’ll be delivered in person on Jan. 22. Boxes: library & office. Deadline: Tue., Jan. 20! Please! Please! Please donate supplies!
Srs.: Make sure you are checking out all the scholarships now posted on Naviance…
…& job opportunities on the School Fusion Jobs page. See calendar for college visits!
Remember everyone DRIVE SAFELY and ALWAYS Buckle up!