Florida International University HR Liaisons Meeting January 21, 2010
AGENDA Introduction Miami Heat College Night Office of Employee Assistance (OEA) Overview New Policies Changes to Existing Policies 4/10 Summer Schedule 2010 Personnel Records Other Updates Important Dates Wrap Up
Office of Employee Assistance
Enhance the quality of life of FIU faculty and staff; Improve personal and organizational effectiveness; Create a healthier campus community OEA OVERVIEW Our Mission
Confidential Services for FIU Employees and Immediate Family Members… Consultation Assessment Counseling or Coaching Referral Services OEA OVERVIEW
Limits to Confidentiality if… Danger to others Danger to self Child/Elder Abuse Subpoena to produce records OEA OVERVIEW
What are some types of problems that employees bring to the Office of Employee Assistance ? OEA OVERVIEW
Relationship Problems SeparationDivorce
Financial Issues
Parenting Concerns
Bereavement Illness DisabilityGrief and Loss
Food/Eating Problems
Alcohol / Drug Abuse
Natural Disasters
OEA Clinical Staff can provide brief counseling which may include… Support and Encouragement Recommendations for coping strategies Opportunities to explore options and alternatives A safe environment to test out and practice new skills… Problem-solving and coaching OEA OVERVIEW
Whatever the challenges or concerns, OEA clinical staff will provide professional help to … Overcome Depression & Anxiety Improve Relationships Enhance Communication Skills Increase Resilience and more! OEA OVERVIEW
So, if you are bringing your problems to work or…… if work is causing problems in your personal life…. OEA OVERVIEW
Call the professionals at the… Office Of Employee Assistance …Experts at Resolving Problems OEA OVERVIEW
Additional services for Departments and Teams Customized Training and Workshops Team Building Facilitation Critical Incident Response OEA OVERVIEW
Enhancing the quality of life for faculty & staff Improving personal & organizational effectiveness Creating a healthier campus community OEA OVERVIEW
Professional Confidential Problem Resolution OEA OVERVIEW
Assessment Consultation Referral Intervention OEA OVERVIEW
No need to feel lost in a crowd or overwhelmed by problems OEA OVERVIEW
CALL For a confidential consultation Office Hours at Modesto A. Maidique and Biscayne Bay Campuses OEA OVERVIEW
Our Clinical Staff Dr. Kate Kominars, Director and Licensed Psychologist Dr. Minca Brantley, Licensed Psychologist OEA OVERVIEW
Here to help! OEA OVERVIEW
NEW POLICIES Domestic Violence Leave Policy Employee entitlement of up to three (3) days of unpaid leave in a twelve (12) month rolling year period to deal with issues relating to domestic violence suffered by an employee, employee’s family or household member. o Obtain an injunction o Obtain medical or mental health care o Seek services from a victim services organization o Seek legal assistance o Secure existing housing from the perpetrator Employee use accrued leave, if available Documentation must be provided such as – o Medical or professional treatment of services o Social or faith-based services o Law enforcement or legal proceedings Employees may seek assistance and referrals from the Office of Employee Assistance
NEW POLICIES Workplace Violence Policy Currently, policy does not exist to address workplace violence In response to changing environment Zero tolerance communication to University community regarding workplace violence
CHANGES TO EXISTING POLICIES FMLA, Maternity/Paternity and Medical Leave Policy Update policy per FMLA Regulation to ensure compliance - revision includes allowance for military leave qualifying events, such as: Exigency event (prepare for military leave), Care for injured service member; Clarify difference between FMLA maternity/paternity leave, University maternity/paternity leave, and medical (non-FMLA) leave; Clarify employee eligibility and leave entitlement; Reformatted policy to improve readability. Sick Leave Policy Update policy as a result of new Domestic Leave Policy and revised FMLA, Maternity/Paternity and Medical Leave Policy to include allowance of usage for maternity/paternity, domestic violence, and military leave entitlements.
4/10 Summer Schedule 2010
4/10 SUMMER SCHEDULE Friday-Off10-hour per day Work Week 06/25/1006/28/ /01/10 07/02/1007/05/10* - 07/08/10 07/09/1007/12/ /15/10 07/16/1007/19/ /22/10 07/23/1007/26/ /29/10 07/30/1008/02/ /05/10 *Monday, July 5th- Holiday
4/10 SUMMER SCHEDULE July 4th holiday will be observed on Monday, July 5, The University shall provide eight (8) hours of leave for the holiday and employees will be required to use two (2) hours of vacation leave to complete the 10- hour workday. The last day of the 10-hour day schedule is August 5, Friday, August 6, 2010 will be the first day of the regular 8-hour per day schedule.
4/10 SUMMER SCHEDULE June 2010 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday Regular 8- hour Day Begin 4/10 Schedule - First Friday Off August 2010 SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday 10 hour Work Day Back to Regular Schedule - 8 hour Work Week
PERSONNEL RECORDS Access to Official Personnel Records Policy # The only official personnel records are maintained in the Division of Human Resources. Generally, University personnel records are public records and under the Sunshine Law are open for public inspection. All requests for employee information, including both, current or former employees, must be submitted in writing to the Division of Human Resources for production.
OTHER UPDATES AFSCME 1% Eligible AFSCME employees hired before July 1, 2009 received a 1% increase effective December 23, 2009 Increase was first reflected in the January 15, 2010 paycheck AFSCME OEA Pool Lists of OEA-eligible AFSCME employees were sent to the Provost and Vice Presidents Forms are due to Vice President or Provost by February 8 and to Human Resources by February 15 One-time award will be reflected in the Paycheck of February 26, 2010
OTHER UPDATES Prescription Discount Program - Rx Well Card Discounts on prescription drugs, lifestyle drugs, and over-the-counter medications at more than 58,000 participating pharmacies 10% – 85% Immediate Savings No costs to obtain a card, no obligations and no limits Long Term Care Insurance (LTC) through John Hancock LTC Services: Assisted living facilities/Home care/Nursing Home Open Enrollment January 25 – April 2, 2010 Simplified Issue for eligible employees (Medical Questions) Full Medical Underwriting for Spouse/Family
OTHER UPDATES Service Delivery New service delivery model will mean one-stop shop in PC 224 As of Friday, January 22, 2010, Recruitment Services reception area will be closed All walk-ins, mail and sign-ons should be sent to PC 224 Details about this exciting change to follow in the February HR Liaisons meeting
IMPORTANT DATES EventDate FIU STEPP at BBC in WUC 244Monday, January 25 Next Liaisons Meeting will be in GC 243Thursday, February 18 FIU Miami Heat Take Over DaySunday, March 14 Census DistributionMarch 2010
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