The Shaping of the Constitution “we the people”
DSB: Do the best you can! 1. When was the constitution ratified? a b c d Who didn’t sign the constitution? a.Thomas Jefferson b.George Washington c.James Madison d.William Jackson 3. Why was Thanksgiving originally celebrated?
Fun Fact: Established on November 26, 1789, the first national "Thanksgiving Day" was originally created by George Washington as a way of "giving thanks" for the Constitution.
The Preamble We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
How do Early American Governmental Documents Lead to the Constitution?
What are Themes in the Constitution? Section 2 A. Defines the House of Representatives, known as the lower house of Congress. B. Must be 25 years old, will serve for two years each. C. Each state gets Representatives based on state population. D. Has a leader called the Speaker of the House. Section 3 A. Defines the Senate, knows as the upper house of the Congress. B. Each state gets two Senators. C. Vice-President Breaks tie votes. Section 4 A.Says that each state may establish its own methods for electing members of the Congress. B.Requires, that Congress must meet at least once per year. Section 5 A.Says that Congress must have a minimum number of members present in order to meet. Section 6 A.That they cannot hold any other office in the government while in the Congress.
1. Representation of the people by the people
Themes in the Constitution Section 7 A. Say how bills become law. Section 8 A. Gives Congress the power to establish and maintain an army and navy. B. To establish post offices, to create courts, to regulate commerce between the states, to declare war, and to raise money. Section 9 A. Cannot spend money without permission. Section 10 A. States can’t make their own money, or declare war, or tax goods from other states.
Distributes the power to declare war, raise taxes, maintain an army, declare war, how to make laws, and how to spend money
Themes in the Constitution Article 2 – Section 1 A. Establishes the office of the President and the Vice-President. Section 2 A. President leads the armed forces. B. He makes treaties with other nations (2/3 of the Senate have to approve of the treaty). C. Picks many of the judges and other members of the government. Section 3 A. Ensure the laws of the United States are carried out. Section 4 A. Explains how to kick the president from office, called impeachment.
Creates the job of President, called the Executive. Responsible for enforcing the laws. People can impeach him if he oversteps
Themes in the Constitution Article 3 – Section 1 A. Establishes the Supreme Court, the highest court in the United States. Section 2 A. Says what cases the Supreme Court must decide. B. It also guarantees trial by jury in criminal court. Section 3 A. Defines, without any question, what the crime of treason is.
Establishes Judges, called the Judiciary. They decide if a law is allowable, or if it goes against the Constitution.
Themes in the Constitution Article 4 –Section 1 A. All states will honor the laws of all other states. Section 2 A. Citizens of one state are treated equally and fairly like all citizens of another. Section 4 A. Ensures a “Power by the People” government. Article 5 –2/3 of the Representatives must vote on the change. A. 2/3 of the Senators must vote on the change. B. 3/4 of the States must vote for the change (34 or 50)
States’ Rights How to change the constitution
Article 6 – Guarantees that the Constitution and all laws and treaties of the United States to be the supreme law of the country. Article 7 – A. Of the original 13 states in the United States, nine had to accept the Constitution before it would officially go into effect.
Themes: 1. Representation of the people by the people 2. Distributes the power to declare war, raise taxes, maintain an army, declare war, how to make laws, and how to spend money 3. Creates the job of President, called the Executive. Responsible for enforcing the laws. People can impeach him if he oversteps. 4. Establishes Judges, called the Judiciary. They decide if a law is allowable, or if it goes against the Constitution. 5. States’ Rights 6. How to change the constitution
How do Early American governmental documents lead to the constitution? Around the classroom are 5 stations, each with a different early American document You will be split up into groups of five Each of the documents are split up into various parts– each person reads one section of the piece After 3 minutes of reading, get together as a group and come up with the main points of the piece Brainstorm together – how do you see this in the Constitution? Use the themes we just went over!