What is an idea? Most people in the modern times agree that an idea is an image existing or formed in the mind. Ideas give rise to concepts, which are the basis for knowledge in Mathematics, Science, the Arts, engineering or business.
Ideas are hiding in your brain Memories Memories Experiences Experiences Emotions Emotions Observing Observing Looking at other people’s solutions Looking at other people’s solutions Researching Researching Reflection Reflection
Want to get those GOOD ideas out?
Let’s play the original ideas game! Imagine I am a new pupil in the school. Think of a question you would like to ask me so that you could find out who I am. Imagine I am a new pupil in the school. Think of a question you would like to ask me so that you could find out who I am.
Let’s play the original ideas game! Now lets have a look at your answers. Choose a person to read out their answer. If anyone has the same or similar answer to you, you get knocked out. Keep going through the whole class until you have eliminated students. Now lets have a look at your answers. Choose a person to read out their answer. If anyone has the same or similar answer to you, you get knocked out. Keep going through the whole class until you have eliminated students. Repeat the exercise, but this time you have to think of a question no-one else has thought of. You can’t make wild, erratic questions that do not make sense. Repeat the exercise, but this time you have to think of a question no-one else has thought of. You can’t make wild, erratic questions that do not make sense. Play the game until you have a winner. This person (or persons) have thought of original ideas that no-one else has thought of. This is the objective of what we are trying to do. Play the game until you have a winner. This person (or persons) have thought of original ideas that no-one else has thought of. This is the objective of what we are trying to do.
Cliché’s Avoid falling into the cliché’s trap! Avoid falling into the cliché’s trap! Cliché’s are simply ideas that are too obvious and have been used many many times Cliché’s are simply ideas that are too obvious and have been used many many times
Want more help? It is hard to think of ideas and even more difficult to come up with good, original ideas, but somewhere in your mind there is buried a masterpiece! It is hard to think of ideas and even more difficult to come up with good, original ideas, but somewhere in your mind there is buried a masterpiece!
Clear your mind Good ideas usually come when we are relaxed and calm with a clear mind, such as; when your in the bath, in bed or on the loo!!! Good ideas usually come when we are relaxed and calm with a clear mind, such as; when your in the bath, in bed or on the loo!!! Let’s try to clear our minds…………. Let’s try to clear our minds………….
Crazy Words A good way to think of ideas is just to write mad, frantic list of all the thoughts that pop into your head on the theme you are thinking about. A good way to think of ideas is just to write mad, frantic list of all the thoughts that pop into your head on the theme you are thinking about. Write the first things that come into your head. Write the first things that come into your head. Weather, Scientists, Arctic etc etc keep writing more and more words!
Juxtapose This very nice word that means; to put things with different qualities next to each other. This very nice word that means; to put things with different qualities next to each other. A rabbit ice cream Turtle pineapple Headscarf Fridge Sports car Duck Wallpaper paste Hotel
Juxtapose So all you need to do is to make a list of different words to do with your idea then juxtapose them! Opposites work well for this. So all you need to do is to make a list of different words to do with your idea then juxtapose them! Opposites work well for this. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Focus your thinking! What are the objectives of the project? What are the objectives of the project? A positive message in any medium; Paintings, drawings, sculptures, poems, films etc A positive message in any medium; Paintings, drawings, sculptures, poems, films etc What do I need to show in my work? What do I need to show in my work? Try to make people aware, Show them what they can do Try to make people aware, Show them what they can do What do I want my artwork to say? What do I want my artwork to say? What materials do I want to work in? What materials do I want to work in?
Creative people often use symbols so that you have to ‘work out’ the meaning of their work like a puzzle. Creative people often use symbols so that you have to ‘work out’ the meaning of their work like a puzzle. Using symbols in your work makes your work intelligent and thought provoking. Using symbols in your work makes your work intelligent and thought provoking. Symbolism
Develop your idea in rough Artists often sketch out quick, rough, small drawings that are a lot like doodles. Artists often sketch out quick, rough, small drawings that are a lot like doodles. Writers and film makers flesh out a storyboard. Writers and film makers flesh out a storyboard.
Don’t be afraid Begin working on the final piece of work. Go for it!! Be brave. Begin working on the final piece of work. Go for it!! Be brave. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes or getting it wrong. Mistakes are the only way to learn. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes or getting it wrong. Mistakes are the only way to learn. If you do go wrong, how can you put it right without starting again? THINK!!! If you do go wrong, how can you put it right without starting again? THINK!!!