Groundskeeper My job This job is my job that I do now where I work at Essendon football club, by maintaining the oval and looking after the cricket pitch for the weekend, and getting it ready.
Entitlements pay – For my job that I am working at now I get paid an hour, for an apprentice, and that is a day Leave – An employee (other than a casual employee) is entitled to 4 weeks annual leave for each completed year of continuous service. Payment must not be made or accepted in lieu of taking annual leave, except in the case of termination of employment. An employee's entitlement to annual leave accrues as follows for each completed year of continuous service: Full-time employees: 152 hours per annum. Part-time employees: 152 x average weekly = hours per annum. 38 ordinary hours over previous12 months Hours – The hours are often irregular and depend on the climate, the season, and the type of job. There may be long workweeks of forty-four to forty-eight hours in the spring and summer with shorter hours or even layoffs in the winter. Some gardeners and groundskeepers belong to unions. The ordinary hours for all employees will not exceed an average of 38 per week, to be worked not exceeding 8 hours per day between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday to Friday inclusive. Time in lieu - If an employer makes payment in lieu for all or any of the period of notice prescribed, the period for which such payment is made must be treated as service with the employer for the purpose of computing any service related entitlement of the employee.
Overtime – An employee recalled to work after the expiration of the customary working time (whether notified before or after leaving the premises) for the day, and after the employee has left work for the day, will be paid for a minimum of three hours work at one and a half times the ordinary hourly rate for each time so recalled. Any employee who presents for work on a Saturday by direction of the employer, will be paid for at least three hours at one and a half times the ordinary hourly rate if the work is performed prior to noon and at double the ordinary hourly rate for all work performed after that. ll time worked after noon on Saturday to starting time on Monday to be paid for at the rate of double the ordinary hourly rate. No employee will be required to work for more than five hours without a meal break of recognised length of time. Allowances - Meal allowance An employee required to work overtime in excess of one and a half hours after working ordinary hours will be paid by the employer an amount as prescribed in Schedule 3 to meet the cost of a meal, or will, at the option of the employer, be provided by the employer with an adequate and suitable meal. Night watering An employee who performs night watering in the course of employment, as part of the ordinary hours in accordance with Clause 6.1 Hours of Work, will be paid 25 per centum of the ordinary hourly rate of pay in addition for time so worked when the work continues for five consecutive days. If such work does not proceed for five consecutive days such employee will be paid one and a half times the ordinary hourly rate for the first three hours of work performed in such duties, and the rate of double the ordinary hourly rate for work performed after that. Commission - Where agreement is reached at an enterprise or workplace through such consultative mechanisms and procedures, and where giving effect to such agreement requires this Award, as it applies at the enterprise or workplace, to be varied, an application to vary will be made to the Commission. The agreement will be made available in writing, to all employees at the enterprise or workplace and to the Association with an interest in this Award. At any stage parties may jointly or individually refer to the matter to the Commission for assistance in resolving the matter.
Breaks - Yes we do get breaks we get 15mins for smoko, and then we also get 45mins for lunch, we also get it if it Is raining because we cant work just do stuff in the shed. Employees will be granted a tea break of 20 minutes in the morning, Monday to Friday inclusive, counted as time worked. The time of such tea break will be fixed by the employer, between 9 a.m. and a.m. Comfort stuff – yes we do have comfort we have chairs and in the machines the seats are comfy. Weather – if it rains we don’t work because the ground will be to wet and we don’t want the pitch to get wet and ruined for the weekend. And if it goes above 43 degrees we stop Safety – the safety we have a work is that we have to always wear long pants and wear ear muffs if we use any machinery because it can wreak our ears, we have to wear goggles if we use the wiper sniper and also wear gloves. Training available- the training available is you would go to Tafe to get your certificates that are needed for a groundskeeper, and then you find a place were they will take you on as an apprentice and then once you do your 4 years of your apprentice you become a qualified groundsman Condition
Duties and Responsibilities The prime responsibility is to keep the lawns and grass well manicured and well maintained. He or she has to do the weeding the garden and keeping it immaculate as much as possible. He or she needs to tend to the plants, trees, shrubs and ensuring their health properly. He or she has to plant the trees if may have the authority. It will be the duty to clean the driveways of leaves and undertake pressure cleaning to keep them sparkling He or she needs to do the trimming of the plants and maintain high aesthetic appeal of the outdoor space as much as possible. He or she has to allocate the duties to the juniors as a supervisor. It will be the duty to clean manmade ponds and birdbaths in the garden regularly. He or she has to keep the furniture clean and polished in case of outdoor seating.
My dream job golf course superintendent A golf course superintendent is a person who is in charge of the whole course, so he choose where the holes go and what plants and other stuff that comes there, and is the main boss.
Pay – the pay is $15 for a fully license greenkeeper a full week is just under $575 a week for a 38hour week, Leave - Extra week Annual Leave for employees regularly working on Sunday, Union members also get better sick leave and holiday leave entitlements and are more likely to receive better long service leave and paid maternity leave. Hours - - Ordinary hours may be worked between 6.00 am pm Monday to Friday and 6.00 am - 12 noon on Saturday Overtime - The maximum ordinary hours on any day are eight before overtime. Overtime is paid at 150% for the first 2 hours then 200%, except for Sundays (200%) Casual loading increased from 15% to 25% Allowance - First aid $9.55 per week, Meal allowance $4.90 per meal, Toxic substances (Working with) $0.58 per hour, (Working in close proximity) $0.46 per hour, Motor vehicle allowance (a) for a vehicle with an engine of four 31.7 cents cylinders or less per kilometre, (b) for a vehicle with an engine of more 39.0 cents than four cylinders or with a rotary engine per kilometre, Footwear subsidy $28.80 per year, Footwear additional subsidy $28.80 Wet work allowance $1.85 per day Entitlements
Condition Breaks - Yes we do get breaks we get 15mins for smoko, and then we also get 45mins for lunch, we also get it if it Is raining because we cant work just do stuff in the shed. Comfort stuff – yes we do have comfort we have chairs and in the machines the seats are comfy. Weather – if it rains we don’t work because the ground will be to wet and we wont be able to cut the grass as good as we would want and other things. And if it goes above 43 degrees we stop Safety – the safety we have a work is that we have to always wear long pants and wear ear muffs if we use any machinery because it can wreak our ears, we have to wear goggles if we use the wiper sniper and also wear gloves. Training available- the training available is you would go to Tafe to get your certificates that are needed for a greens keeper, and then you find a place were they will take you on as an apprentice and then once you do your 4 years of your apprentice you become a qualified greenkeeper on any golf course if they will take you on
Responsibilities What I have to do is look up all the golf courses in Melbourne and ask them if they are taking an apprentice and I would tell them my past work and that I have worked on a ground and know most of the machines and how the grass is and how the green works, send letters and resume and just wait, and also need certificate III in horticulture or turf.