Facebook Fanpages
◦ How to set up your Facebook Fanpage so it won’t get taken over by Facebook ◦ How to manage your Fanpage effectively ◦ How to get opt-ins for your Facebook fanpage ◦ How to market to your Facebook Fanbase ◦ Where to get free graphics to populate the page ◦ Where to get content from to schedule a whole week’s posts in minutes
You can lose a fanpage if you set it up about a brand
Appear in more Recommend Pages notifications and get FREE fans by filling in EVERYTHING!
Choose a headshot of yourself Or a clear logo
Get a cover image designed 851px wide by 315px Or use a cover image creator such as 1. Try: 2. Or -photos -photos 3. Or
Types of content – as we previously mentioned: Positive Company news (new staff, maternity leave, babies, new stores opening etc) Link to complementary services Welcome new likers Pictures of staff / products Quotes / opinions Info about new products or services Topsy.com
You will need to create an item of value to promote and give away Webinar, book, report etc E.g. k k To get people onto your list
Occasional promotions – sales, special offers 10% directly promotional updates 10% to 20% of the time giving away free items of value Rest of time - share content – blogs etc News from topsy.com and other update types
We use the website Or try or Search by THEME E.g. smiling, laughing, love etc