Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, ÜBER DEN WWTF „Wir stärken Exzellenz am Standort Wien.“ 1
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Proposers‘ Day Cornelia Schrauf (WWTF) Alexander Wöhrer (WWTF)
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, ►Brief introduction WWTF ►Presentation new Call LS 2014 „Innovative biological and biomedical applications of novel imaging technologies“ ►Q & A Agenda
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, The only larger Austrian private non-profit organisation established to promote science and research Founded in 2001 Funding since 2003: more than 100 Mio. € have been awarded (Privatstiftung, Stadt Wien) WWTF Mission: We fund top scientific research in Vienna We provide substantial funding for larger research projects and bring Research Group Leaders from abroad to Vienna We run competitive calls according to highest international standards WWTF: Distinctive features
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Current thematic programmes funding instruments Life Sciences (*2003) Cognitive Sciences (*2008) Information- and Communication Technology (*2008) Mathematics and … (*2004) Social Sciences and Humanities (*2008) Projects Science chairs Vienna Research Groups Summer Schools Thematic programmes Instruments
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Current call Life Sciences (*2003) Cognitive Sciences (*2008) Information- and Communication Technology (*2008) Mathematics and … (*2004) Projects Science chairs Vienna Research Groups Summer Schools Thematic programmes Instruments
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, The frame of the current call Focus on long-term funding of Life Sciences in Vienna Financed through a private foundation Regular competitive calls with thematic focus Imaging 2014 Endowment € 4 Mio. ? funded projects Food and Nutrition Endowment € 3 Mio. 8 funded projects 2012 Molecular Mechansims and Methods Endowment € 15,5 Mio. 29 funded projects 2003/2005/2009 Linking research and patients‘ need Endowment € 15,5 Mio. 29 funded projects 2003/2005/2009 New Ventures Beyond Established Frontiers 2013 Endowment € 5 Mio. 7 funded projects
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Content of the current call – LS year research projects with focus on use the newest generation of imaging technology tackle biological or biomedical question requiring innovative imaging methodology 2-stage selection process with short and full proposal Funding range: 200k € - 600k € Out-of-Scope: projects involving only image analysis, post- processing, pure technological development or only the evaluation and validation of methods and biomarkers Innovative biological and biomedical applications of novel imaging technologies
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Schedule of the current call Call start Jan Deadline Short Proposal Online version Deadline Short Proposal Online version Mar 28, pm Decision Short Proposal Decision Short Proposal April Deadline Full Proposal Online version + Hard copy version Deadline Full Proposal Online version + Hard copy version Aug 8, pm Decision by WWTF Board of directors Dec 2014 Contracts signed Jan 2015 Start Projects Jul 1,
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Jury and Applicants ApplicantsJury ~10 internationally renowned scientists with expertise relevant to the call (names to be released after the funding decision) Duties and responsibilities: Resolution of the results of the formatlity check Agreement in selection of short proposal Nomination of reviewers Comparative assessment of the proposals and expression of a funding decision Principal Investigator must be affiliated to a Viennese University or non-university research institute Also included are researchers moving to Vienna as a result of this call Project partners can be based world-wide. Up to 20% of funding for researchers may be allocated outside Vienna. Call start Jan 10, 2014 Deadline short proposal Deadline short proposal Mar 28, pm Agreement in selection of short proposal Agreement in selection of short proposal Apr 29, 2014 Deadline full proposal Deadline full proposal Aug 8, 2014 Funding decision Dec 2014 Contracts signed Jan 2015 Start Projects Jul 1, 2015
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Submission deadline and formality check Submission via WWTF Online Submission System Funding requests can range between Euros up to Euros per project Overhead costs: up to 20% of the direct costs No funding of companies Self funded business partners are possible Project relevant services from companies can be calculated as material costs (if these services can not be provided with reasonable effort) Submission via WWTF Online Submission System Funding requests can range between Euros up to Euros per project Overhead costs: up to 20% of the direct costs No funding of companies Self funded business partners are possible Project relevant services from companies can be calculated as material costs (if these services can not be provided with reasonable effort) Call start Jan 10, 2014 Deadline short proposal Deadline short proposal Mar 28, pm Agreement in selection of short proposal Agreement in selection of short proposal Apr 29, 2014 Deadline full proposal Deadline full proposal Aug 8, 2014 Funding decision Dec 2014 Contracts signed Jan 2015 Start Projects Jul 1, 2015
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Invitation Full Proposal and Peer Review Peer Review-ProcessDecision Short Proposal Full proposals not requested if projects are outside the scope of the call or do not meet international quality standards. Applicants will be informed immediately. A minimum of three reviews per proposal. Reviews completed only by international reviewers; anonymous. Reviews form the basis of jury discussion. Call start Jan 10, 2014 Deadline short proposal Deadline short proposal Mar 28, pm Agreement in selection of short proposal Agreement in selection of short proposal Apr 29, 2014 Deadline full proposal Deadline full proposal Aug 8, 2014 Funding decision Dec 2014 Contracts signed Jan 2015 Start Projects Jul 1, 2015
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Main evaluation criteria DecisionJury recommendation Main evaluation criteria: Scientific quality measured against international scientific standard (aim of the project, methods used, track record of the project team) according to academic age Clear, precise, relevant, reasonable, attainable research questions Extending the knowledge base of the addressed scientific field Well argued research project plan Substantiated methodology and relevant for research in Vienna Interdisciplinarity with respect to the project team Formal decision by the board of directors All applicants receive a decision letter (rejections and acceptances) with anonymous reviews Call start Jan 10, 2014 Deadline short proposal Deadline short proposal Mar 28, pm Agreement in selection of short proposal Agreement in selection of short proposal Apr 29, 2014 Deadline full proposal Deadline full proposal Aug 8, 2014 Funding decision Dec 2014 Contracts signed Jan 2015 Start Projects Jul 1, 2015
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Contracts signed and project start Funding contract between WWTF and the PI‘s host institution (§ 27 according to UG2002 for Universities) PI has scientific and financial responsibility for the project Project start by Jul 1, 2015 at the latest During project duration: WWTF pays funding rates every six months in advance to the PI‘s home institution; PI has to allocate ist funding share to the partners Short annual reports to WWTF as prerequisite for the release of installments Site Visit by WWTF After project completion: Comprehensive final report Ex-post Evaluation (Peer Review) Funding contract between WWTF and the PI‘s host institution (§ 27 according to UG2002 for Universities) PI has scientific and financial responsibility for the project Project start by Jul 1, 2015 at the latest During project duration: WWTF pays funding rates every six months in advance to the PI‘s home institution; PI has to allocate ist funding share to the partners Short annual reports to WWTF as prerequisite for the release of installments Site Visit by WWTF After project completion: Comprehensive final report Ex-post Evaluation (Peer Review) Call start Jan 10, 2014 Deadline short proposal Deadline short proposal Mar 28, pm Agreement in selection of short proposal Agreement in selection of short proposal Apr 29, 2014 Deadline full proposal Deadline full proposal Aug 8, 2014 Funding decision Dec 2014 Contracts signed Jan 2015 Start Projects Jul 1, 2015
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Collaborative aspects Submission system Basic- information Basic- information Project- overview Project- overview Outline Affirmations & Authorization Appendix Registration with -adress and name at Login, select the call and click on „create a new proposal“ Complete the proposal and submit (a PDF file with a project number will be generated automatically) Submission only possible after the form has been completed in his entirity No amendments can be made following submission A full proposal consists of 8 parts: Key references Key references 5 5 PI/Co-PI + Member 6 6
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Online form Completly in English! Title Keywords Disciplines Indicative project duration (24 – 48 months) Indicative budget (200k – 600k) Note: Project number and requested funding value will be automatically filled in Submission system Basic- information Basic- information 1 1
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Project- overview Project- overview Online form Word count: ~ characters Content: Research question? Aims? Innovation? Submission system 2 2
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Approach Online form Word count: ~ characters Content: Objectives? Approach and methodology? Submission system 3 3
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Collaborative aspects Collaborative aspects Online form Word count: ~ 1750 characters Content: Role of each project member in achieving the stated goals? Disciplines working together? Partnerships across imaging facilities and institutions in Vienna? Submission system 4 4
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Key- publications Key- publications Online form Key publications: for background information a maximum of 10 PI/Co-PI + Team: name and contact details including the involved institutions a maximum of 3 people => a maximum of 3 CVs can be uploaded (2 pages per person including bio sketch and publications) Submission system 5 5 PI/Co-PI + Team 6 6 Appendix 8 8
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, PDF will be generated automatically using the inputted information print for signatures WWTF-projects are § 27-projects (for universities) A commitment from the involved universities or research institution is necessary, the institution will be the contract partner Affirmations: Signature of the PI, Co-PI (if applicable) and the Core Project Team Members Authorization: Signature of the authorized person from the involved institutions, PI, Co-PI (if applicable) and Core Project Team Members Be aware of intern regulations All signatures don´t necessarily have to be on the same sheet! Submission system Affirmations & Authorization 7 7
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Keep applications short and precise! use language aimed at the scientific community ambitious in English Keep the Appendix short (a maximum of 2 pages per person for the biographical sketch) Signatures of the authorized persons! PI(s) + Project Core Team Affirmations PI(s) Home + Project Core Team Institutionen Authorization Contact the reserach service in advance! Electronic submission by March 28, pm Key facts at a glance
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Cost-neutral extension: This allows PIs for example maternity leave (PI vs project member) part time Fundable costs of a project: 3rd Party charges for external work, counselling, software, etc. like project management coaching recruiting Possibilities within a WWTF project
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Advice and contact All documents available at Personal consultation upon appointment Cornelia Schrauf Tel:01/ WWTF adress Schlickgasse 3/ Wien
Open Proposers‘ Day January 28, Any Questions?