$100 Question from Historical Narratives What is an historical narrative?
$100 Answer from Historical Narratives Accounts of real-life historical experiences, given either by a person who experienced those events or by someone who has studied or observed them
$200 Question from Historical Narratives Letters, diaries, journals, and autobiographies are examples of what kind of historical narrative?
$200 Answer from Historical Narratives Primary Source
$300 Question from Historical Narratives What kinds of writing provide indirect, secondhand knowledge.
$300 Answer from Historical Narratives Secondary Sources
$400 Question from Historical Narratives This type of historical narrative may take the form of a biography.
$400 Answer from Historical Narratives Secondary Source
$500 Question from Historical Narratives What are the two types of Historical Narratives?
$500 Answer from Historical Narratives Primary and Secondary Sources
$100 Question from Loaded Language Identify the Loaded Language in the following passage: The world of education is changing to include instruction on homosexuality and alternative lifestyles. This kind of education is called Diversity Education.
$100 Answer from Loaded Language Diversity Education
$200 Question from Loaded Language Indentify the loaded language in the following passage: Enjoy the new salad bar at Krogers where the produce is fresh, organic, all-natural and light.
$200 Answer from Loaded Language New, fresh, organic, all-natural, light
$300 Question from Loaded Language Identify the loaded language in the following passage: The FBI changed the name of its spying software from Carnivore to “DCS 1000” recently, even though it is the same program.
$300 Answer from Loaded Language Carnivore
$400 Question from Loaded Language What is the definition of Loaded Language?
$400 Answer from Loaded Language Using emotionally-charged words, negative or positive to influence the reaction.
$500 Question from Loaded Language The abortion protest became ugly when the pro-life side called the woman entering the clinic an expectant mother carrying a baby or a pregnant female carrying a fetus.
$500 Answer from Loaded Language Ugly, pregnant female carrying a fetus, pro-life
$100 Question from Modes of Persuasion What are the three modes of persuasion?
$100 Answer from Modes of Persuasion Logos, Ethos, and Pathos
$200 Question from Modes of Persuasion What kind of appeal is logos and what kind of things might you include in your writing to use this kind of appeal?
$200 Answer from Modes of Persuasion Logical Appeal – Use facts, statistics, numbers – things that can not be disputed
$300 Question from Modes of Persuasion What kind of appeal is ethos and what kind of things might you include in your writing to use this kind of appeal?
$300 Answer from Modes of Persuasion Ethical Appeal – Use language and scenarios that appeal to the audience’s sense of wrong and right – Also use allusions or references to well-known sources to create author credibility
$400 Question from Modes of Persuasion What kind of appeal is pathos and what kind of things might you include in your writing to use this kind of appeal? Acme Gizmotronics, the company that you've trusted for over 100 years, has recently entered the World Wide Web! Now you can purchase our fine products through the internet. Our quality gizmos, widgets, and thingamabobs can be shipped to you within minutes. All come with the famous lifetime guarantee that makes Acme the company that the world depends on for it's gizmo needs. Our spokesperson, Mr. Coyote says "I'm not really a coyote, but I play one on tv. I've used Acme products for years. Their slingshots, rocket launchers, crowbars, pogo sticks, and power pills are the best around. And don't forget their high-powered dynamite! I buy everything from Acme. They are the company that I trust the most." ACME is currently supporting reasearch into a form of clean, ultra-efficient, cesium- based power that promises to usher in a new period of cheap, globally available power. Based on a small island off the coast of Costa Rica, ACME Technology Research is one of our most significant divisions. Interested in learning more about ACME? We thought you might be.ACME Technology ResearchACME
$400 Answer from Modes of Persuasion Emotional Appeal – Use stories or anecdotes, loaded and figurative language, sensory details to evoke an emotional response in your audience
$500 Question from Modes of Persuasion Which of the following modes of persuasion is being used in the following ad: Acme Gizmotronics, the company that you've trusted for over 100 years, has recently entered the World Wide Web! Now you can purchase our fine products through the internet. Our quality gizmos, widgets, and thingamabobs can be shipped to you within minutes. All come with the famous lifetime guarantee that makes Acme the company that the world depends on for it's gizmo needs. Our spokesperson, Mr. Coyote says "I'm not really a coyote, but I play one on tv. I've used Acme products for years. Their slingshots, rocket launchers, crowbars, pogo sticks, and power pills are the best around. And don't forget their high-powered dynamite! I buy everything from Acme. They are the company that I trust the most." ACME is currently supporting reasearch into a form of clean, ultra-efficient, cesium- based power that promises to usher in a new period of cheap, globally available power. Based on a small island off the coast of Costa Rica, ACME Technology Research is one of our most significant divisions. Interested in learning more about ACME? We thought you might be.ACME Technology ResearchACME
$500 Answer from Modes of Persuasion The speaker is vouching for it’s credibility. Back to reality - ACME is not a real company, contrary to popular belief. It's something we made up to use as an example of Ethos. The ACME homepage is an example of ethos because of the way it keeps referring back to the character of ACME. ACME is a company that "you have trusted for over 100 years." They even have a spokesperson vouching for their integrity.
$100 Question from Bias and Assumptions Identify the author’s bias and assumptions in the following text: And because it's cheaper to break than to fix, the state Game Commission... intends to breach the lower dam and develop the area as wetlands.
$100 Answer from Bias and Assumptions Those against destruction of the dam use the sarcastic and somewhat catchy "cheaper to break than to fix" line to suggest that the Game Commission has gone for an oversimplified, knee-jerk solution. That the commission intends to create "wetlands" directly aligns it with environmental interests, since wetlands are an environmental cause. Thus, the group in favor of the dam can align themselves against environmentalists without saying they're doing so.
$200 Question from Bias and Assumptions Identify any bias and assumptions you find in the following text: Doesn't Glen Canyon Dam keep America's water in America, and keep the Mexicans from getting our share?
$200 Answer from Bias and Assumptions Anyone who would use the terms "the Mexicans" and "our share" might well have an ethnic prejudice against Mexican people. On another level, the Glen Canyon Institute apparently expects that its opponents have such prejudices, since they list this as a Frequently Asked Question.
$300 Question from Bias and Assumptions Identify any bias and assumptions Found in the following passage: Our new science textbook will be terrific! I have used other textbooks by the same company, and they are always well-written and accurate. One of the teachers at our school says this is the best textbook she’s ever used.
$300 Answer from Bias and Assumptions The statement is biased in favor of a specific textbook because it assumes that this textbook will mirror other books from the same company in quality and is prejudiced towards the info given by another co-worker.
$400 Question from Bias and Assumptions What can you look for to help you identify bias in a text?
$400 Answer from Bias and Assumptions When you read something, ask yourself, “Where did the author get this information?” Sometimes the answer can help you figure out how the author’s comments might be biased.
$500 Question from Bias and Assumptions What is the effect of bias and Assumptions in text?
$500 Answer from Bias and Assumptions Looking for these things may change your opinion about the Author, making them less credible.
$100 Question from Rhetoric and Propaganda What is rhetoric?
$100 Answer from Rhetoric and Propaganda The art of speaking and writing effectively.
$200 Question from Rhetoric and Propaganda What things might you look for To determine if rhetoric is being Used effectively?
$200 Answer from Rhetoric and Propaganda Grammar, spelling, content, facts, Statistics, accuracy, form, organization, Transitions, etc.
$300 Question from Rhetoric and Propaganda What is propaganda?
$300 Answer from Rhetoric and Propaganda Information, ideas, or rumors Deliberately spread widely to help Or harm a person, group, institution, Nation, etc.
$400 Question from Rhetoric and Propaganda What are some tools of propaganda?
$400 Answer from Rhetoric and Propaganda Loaded Language, Connotation of Words, bias and assumptions, etc.
$500 Question from Rhetoric and Propaganda What is the difference between the Denotation and Connotation of words?
$500 Answer from Rhetoric and Propaganda Denotation is the dictionary Meaning of a word, while connotation Refers to the emotional reaction Derived from the word
Final Jeopardy This author wrote, “If one man kills another, it murder, but if a hundred thousand men kill another hundred thousand, it is considered an act of glory!?”
Final Jeopardy Answer Who is Tolstoy? (The book is Kingdom of God)