How to overcome examination fear syndrome
Time table – a must You have to make proper (Subject- wise) time table for preparing for examinations. Make a time table and follow it in your daily life. In your time table give some extra time for difficult subjects.
Practice regularly In case of mathematics and chemistry, you have to practice regularly. Note down all the important formulas in paper and paste it somewhere in your study room. Learn these regularly.
Good preparation Good preparation ensures good results. A student who does not prepare well for his/her exam would waste time to figure out the answer. To be well prepared means to be well informed and Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
Take short breaks Take short breaks while studying. Do not study continuously for more than 40 to 50 minutes
Talk to yourself Explain what you study to yourself. This kind of explaining automatically helps you to learn the subject in detail. Hence you will remember it better.
Sleep well Good sleep is essential for good memory. So do not skip sleep especially during the exam days. Sleep for at least six hours.
No junk food please Eat nutritious diet for brain’s performance. Poor nutrition leads to learning and memory problems. So make sure you include nutrient-rich food items like-whole grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables and milk in your diet. No junk food please. Also avoid outside food during examinations.
When to study Learning in the morning is better, as your mind is stress free and fresh.
Sit in a proper posture Face east-west direction – sit in a comfortable and proper posture while studying.
No distraction please Avoid use of mobile phone, viewing television etc. as these will be cause for distraction while studying.
Practice – Practice - Practice Written practice is a must, which will help you to correct your mistakes and you will not repeat them again. Practice minimum 10 previous year papers.
Refresh brain Drink sufficient water at regular intervals to refresh brain (food for brain is water and oxygen) Do breathing exercise at least twice a day.
Yoga for good Yoga and meditation helps to improve concentration Just 15 Minutes will do………….
Do’s and don’ts on the examination day and on the previous day
Go with care Check hall ticket and stationery items to be taken to examination hall
Check examination time table Check examination time table, important topics on the examination day
Breakfast a must Remember to take break fast before leaving home.
Reach venue in advance Arrive at the examination hall 30 to 45 minutes before commencement of examination.
No fear and tension Keep yourself cool and calm. Avoid feeling of fear and tension. Have deep breathing before leaving for the examination hall
Avoid discussions Do not discuss anything with other friends/students about what you have studied or what you have omitted etc.
Read question paper Read question paper carefully in the given 10 minutes time.
Register number Write your register number in your question paper and answer sheet and in every additional sheet.
While answering While answering multiple choice questions write the option and the answer against the question number in the answer sheet. Demarcate the answers by drawing lines using a pencil. Never mix up sections while answering.
How to attempt questions Attempt question in given order and number the question correctly. Try to answer questions which you are confident first. Answer remaining questions keeping time available in mind. Do not leave any question unanswered..
No rewriting please Avoid striking and rewriting of answers. Presentation should be neat and precise. Legible writing ensures better scores. Underline important points. Diagrams should precede explanation. Remember a picture worth a thousand words!
Remember Separate the questions in your answer from the main text. The equations must be aligned at the centre, with important results, sub- results and highlighted.
Diagrams Diagrams should be neatly drawn with a dark pencil and the size of the diagram should be optimum. Ray diagrams and circuit diagrams should indicate the direction of the ray/current. Labeling of the diagrams should be done neatly.
For detailed answers Include Introduction/principle, diagram, description, necessary equations, derivation, result, advantages/disadvantages or limitations.
Rough working Wherever required working should be done at the bottom of the answer sheet.
Be Clear Definitions, derivations should be written as given in the textbook. However, a slight deviation with regard to explanation and description is permissible.
Important point here Plan to complete your paper 10 to 15 minutes before time. This will give you time to check answers and make corrections if required. Edit your papers and do a rapid check to rule out errors before returning your answer sheets.
Caution here Please take your own stationary viz. pencil, pen, eraser, ruler, stapler etc. without fail. Number your pages as you write your exam, this will facilitate easy editing and arranging papers at the time of handing them over.
To enhance value Underline definitions, important points and technical jargon. Paraphrase answers Use sub-titles Use different ink color (except red and green color) to highlight definitions and key words Do not write more than 18 lines per page.
While writing exam Maintain complete silence and discipline being loyal to your self. Never bring any kind of unauthorized papers into the exam hall without permission. Avoid bringing valuable things like jewels, cell phones etc. to the exam centre.
After the exam After completing the exam move out silently without disturbing the others and never wait for your friends outside the gate.
No post mortem. Look for future Do not worry about previous examinations. Concentrate on current or future examinations.
Finally It is better learning everything out of something rather than learning something out of everything. Of course, there is nothing like Learning everything out of everything.
Thank you friends All the best