The reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands Stress The reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands
Stress in Life Perception – the act of becoming aware through the senses You can manage stress by changing how you perceive and react to events in your life Part of how you see stress is based on your past experiences
Reacting to Stress Positive stress – Eustress – can help you perform better and give you extra energy Getting “butterflies” before a big game Negative stress – Distress – hurts you – do poorly on a test because you are stressed about it
5 categories of stressors Stressor – anything that causes stress Personal behavior stressors Using tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs or by a lack of activity Life situation stressors Death of a loved one, separation or divorce of parents, having trouble in your relationships Biological stressors Illnesses, disabilities, injuries Environmental stressors Poverty, pollution, crowds, noise, natural disasters Cognitive, or thinking, stressors The way you perceive a situation or how it affects you and the world around you
The Body’s Stress Response When you perceive a situation or event to be a threat (a POP QUIZ), your body begins a stress response Ex) Someone surprises you – you may jump or feel your heart start to race 3 Stages of Stress Response Alarm Resistance Fatigue
1st stage – Alarm Response The body and mind go on high alert “Fight-or-Flight” response Hypothalamus receives a signal and releases a hormone that acts on the pituitary gland (master gland) Pituitary secretes a hormone that stimulates the adrenal glands Adrenal glands secrete adrenaline (the “emergency hormone” that prepares the body to respond to a stressor)
Physical Symptoms caused by Adrenaline Pupil dilation Increase in perspiration Faster heart rate and pulse Rise in blood pressure Faster respiration rate Narrowing of arteries to internal organs and skin Increased blood flow to muscles and brain Increase in muscle tension Release of blood sugar, fats, and cholesterol
2nd stage - Resistance Your body adapts to the “rush” created by the alarm and reacts to the stressor Your body is briefly able to perform at a higher level of endurance Your ability to resist a physical challenge or attack may be enhanced
3rd stage - Fatigue When stress is prolonged, a tired feeling takes over that lowers your level of activity – Your mind and body are exhausted Your ability to effectively manage other stressors is extremely low Prolonged stress (chronic stress) can lead to stress-related illness Minor – stomach ache, the flu, sleeplessness Life-threatening – high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke
Physical Effects of Stress Psychosomatic response – a physical reaction that results from stress rather than from an injury or illness Headache Each year 70% of people worldwide will have a stress-related headache (tension headache) Asthma Breathing becomes difficult – the bronchioles become restricted High blood pressure Prolonged stress can cause cholesterol levels to increase which results in high blood pressure Weakened immune system Reduces your body’s ability to fight off diseases
Mental/Emotional and Social Effects Difficulty concentrating Hard to focus which can lead to negative self-talk Mood swings Can put strain on relationships Risks of substance abuse Increase a person’s vulnerability to drug use Use of these substances increases stress
Ways to manage stress Plan ahead Get adequate sleep Decide what you want to accomplish and what steps you’ll take Get adequate sleep Get regular physical activity Improve your health Affects your brain chemistry Eat nutritious food Eat regular meals Limit “comfort” foods Limit caffeine Relax and laugh Relaxation response – a state of calm that can be reached if one or more relaxation techniques are practiced regularly Look for support among your friends and family Find a hobby or activity that relaxes you Avoid using tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs
Stress-Management techniques Make a list of 10 ways that YOU can reduce stress. These can be things you have used in the past or things you have learned from this class Make a class list
Ways to Reduce Stress Relax-Read Sleep-Watch a Movie Text Listen to Music Deep Breathing Techniques Talk to Friends Draw Organize & Manage you time