1.To develop an understanding of the poem 2.To develop awareness of how narrative voice is used in poetry. Key Skills Key Skills: Communication Working with others Improving own learning and performance
Born: 22 February 1914 University of Birmingham – BA, MA Teacher and journalist Called up: 1941 – Japanese translator BBC playwright and poet Died: 8 December 1986
Click to hear the poem being read by the poet
Read the Poem Carefully… There are two speakers in this poem. – Explain who they are and what they are doing or thinking. – Use a highlighter to show the separate speaker’s lines – Optional: with a partner, prepare a reading of this poem. The poem is supposed to be split into five stanzas. – Mark these breaks on your sheets. – Explain your decisions.
Underline every word that you associate with guns or weapons in red. Underline every word that you associate with natural or peaceful feelings in green.
Explain why you think the poet has joined these two very different elements? Find the repetition in each stanza and underline it. – Why do you think the poet used this technique? Key words Key words: puncontrastjuxtaposition
Write a paragraph explaining why you think this poem is successful. Key words Key words: puncontrast juxtapositionimagery