Quality Leadership Forum GSFC - 7/18/01


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Presentation transcript:

Quality Leadership Forum GSFC - 7/18/01 Overview of the GIDEP and NASA Advisory System Eric Raynor Safety and Risk Management Division, Code QS NASA Headquarters Ph: 202/358-4738 Email: eraynor@hq.nasa.gov

What is GIDEP? GIDEP: Government-Industry Data Exchange Program Since 1958; NASA a charter member Purpose: GIDEP (Government-Industry Data Exchange Program) is a cooperative activity between government and industry participants seeking to reduce or eliminate expenditures of resources by making maximum use of existing information. The program provides a media to exchange technical information essential during research, design, development, production and operational phases of the life cycle of systems, facilities and equipment. Eligible Membership: U.S. and Canadian Government Agencies and Private Industry

What’s in GIDEP? Participants in GIDEP are provided electronic access to the six major types of data: ENGINEERING DATA contains quality assessment, engineering test, evaluation and qualification test reports, nonstandard parts data, parts and materials specifications, manufacturing processes, process controls, solderability data and related engineering data on parts, components, materials and processes. This data includes significant amounts of energy and environmental information. FAILURE EXPERIENCE DATA contains objective failure information as a result of ALERTs, SAFE-ALERTs, Problem Advisories and Agency Action Notices which notify users of nonconforming parts, components, chemicals, processes, materials, safety and hazardous situations. This data also includes failure analysis and problem information submitted from laboratory analysis. METROLOGY DATA contains calibration procedures and technical manuals for test and inspection equipment. It also contains engineering information on calibration laboratories, calibration systems and measurement systems. National Institute for Standards and Technology contributes a significant portion of the engineering data related to measurement science.

What’s in GIDEP (continued): PRODUCT INFORMATION DATA contains notices on parts, components and materials which are being discontinued or the attributes have been changed by the manufacturer. This data includes Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS) Notices of product discontinuances which suppliers have forwarded to GIDEP. It also contains information on alternate sources, after market suppliers, Department of Defense focal points of contact and related information. Another significant type of data is the Product Change Notices which are also distributed as a part of this data set. RELIABILITY AND MAINTAINABILITY (R&M) DATA contains failure rate, failure mode and replacement rate data on parts, components, and subsystems based upon field performance and demonstration tests of equipment, subsystems and systems. This also includes reports on theory, methods, techniques and procedures related to reliability and maintainability practices. URGENT DATA REQUEST system permits participants having technical problems to rapidly query the GIDEP community to obtain information which resolves the problem. A UDR form is initiated by the GIDEP Representative and mailed electronically to the GIDEP Operations Center which distributes the UDR to all participants. Responses to requests for information are provided directly to the representative making the urgent data request.

Who Operates GIDEP? GIDEP is chartered by the DoD Joint Logistics Commanders and provides for the full exchange of information by government and industry organizations. The Navy provides Program Management in accordance with an agreement of the Joint Logistics Commanders. The Program Manager exercises executive management for the planning, direction and execution of GIDEP. The Program Manager's office is strategically located within the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Navy, Research, Development and Acquisition for Product Integrity [OASN(RDA)PI] Current Program Manager: Capt. (Sel) Mary Beth Newton Day-today operation of GIDEP takes places at the GIDEP Operations Center at the Naval Warfare Assessment Center in Corona, California. Current Program Director: Bob Bennett GIDEP Operations Center, P.O. Box 8000, Corona, CA 92878-8000 phone: 909/273-4677 fax: 909/273-5200 email: gidep@gidep.org website: http://www.gidep.org

GIDEP Management Process: GIDEP has two advisory groups which provide government and industry perspective on policies and procedures: The GOVERNMENT ADVISORY GROUP is composed of members appointed by the respective headquarters of each participating government agency. The Government Advisory Group serves as liaison, representing their respective organizations and, in an advisory capacity, recommend policies and procedures which enhance the exchange of information. Their purpose is to ensure that the program policy serves the needs of their organizations and needs of all government participants. Current NASA Liaison to GIDEP: Eric Raynor, NASA HQ, Code QS The INDUSTRY ADVISORY GROUP is composed of representatives who are elected by the industry GIDEP Representatives at large. This group serves as spokespersons for industry recommending policies and procedures which will enhance the effectiveness of GIDEP from an industry perspective. Current NASA/JPL Liaison to GIDEP: Rusty Woodall

GIDEP Management Issues GIDEP failure experience data submissions are decreasing NASA and NASA contractors, combined, are the largest volume contributors of this type of data into GIDEP, but NASA does not benefit when others fail to report their non-conformances. GIDEP’s proposed solution to this problem was to re-instate Mil Std 1556….but this would only apply to the services and not the independent agencies. GIDEP is also working with the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) to attempt to re-issue/update OMB Policy Letter 91-3 OMB Policy Letter 91-3 was issued back in 1991 - established policies and procedures for using GIDEP for exchanging information government-wide about non-conforming products and materials... NASA has provided comments to strengthen the next versions of this letter Longer term plan to address this in the DFAR and ultimately the FAR.

NASA Center GIDEP Representatives: ARC - David Walton Support: Jamil Muhammad DFRC - John Stipe GRC - Bipin Patel GSFC - Victor Capozzi HQ - Cheryl Humbolt JPL - Rusty Woodall Support: Jean Gil JSC - Bob Sheppard Support: Pam Branch KSC - Phil Swihart LaRC - Bob Wallace MSFC - Don Whirley Support: Sandy Haraway and John McPherson SSC - Ted Mason WSTF - Don Hall

How is GIDEP Funded? Budget is established by the DoD JLC. Funding comes from DoD, DLA, NASA, DOE, DOT, and the Government of Canada Current Annual GIDEP operating Budget +/- $5million NASA has frozen it’s annual funding contribution to GIDEP at the FY 99 level of $293,000 GIDEP Funding Sponsors meet quarterly NASA GIDEP Funding Sponsor - Eric Raynor, NASA HQ, Code QS

What Services Can GIDEP Provide To You? Registered GIDEP participants can directly access ythe centralized GIDEP electronic database via the web. Weekly email subscription service for new data coming into the system; available by specific data type: Failure Experience Data Reliability/Maintainability Data Automated Batch Matching Capability - send GIDEP your parts lists and they will automatically cross-check them for you against incoming GIDEP documents (Also available through EPIMS at GSFC - Contact Steve Waterbury) Urgent Data Request (UDR) Capability Metrology/Calibration data available via CD-ROM NOTE: GIDEP is **NO COST** to NASA Projects, except for the time required to review incoming GIDEP data

GIDEP Reporting Requirements GIDEP requires annual utilization reporting by all NASA Center GIDEP Representative: Due to the the NASA HQ Alert Coordinator and to the GIDEP Operations Center at the close of each fiscal year. Electronic submission forms are available from GIDEP Code Q requires that all GIDEP AL, SA, PA, AAN, and NA’s issued by the NASA Centers are to be forwarded to Code QS/Eric Raynor These activities are reported to NASA Senior Management bi-monthly Reporting to senior management includes: Date issued GIDEP or NA assigned number Title/Subject Code Q requires each center to hold a GIDEP GROW every year

What is a NASA/GIDEP GROW? An annual GIDEP awareness raising event, held at each NASA Center Intent of a GIDEP GROW: To familiarize center personnel with the Center’s GIDEP/ALERT system To show the relationship of the Center’s system with other NASA Centers and GIDEP To achieve greater use and participation in GIDEP among the center’s design activities, engineers, mission assurance and procurement personnel GIDEP GROWs are half-day events with the following generic agenda: Welcome and introductions Center participation in GIDEP and the NASA ALERT/Advisory process GIDEP program overview Data types and interchange Data utilization On-line demonstration of GIDEP data via the internet Questions and answers

What NASA/GIDEP Training is Available? A web-based training module on GIDEP is available on the Site for On-Line Learning and Resources (SOLAR) called “GIDEP Participation and the NASA Advisory System” To access: Point your web-browser to: http://solar.msfc.nasa.gov User ID and password is required (follow link on home page) To access the training module from the home page: Click on “Safety and Mission Assurance” under the “Disciplines” banner Click on “Web-based Courses” Click on “ZQGPNAS - GIDEP Participation and the NASA Advisory System”

NASA Policy Regarding GIDEP NPG 8735.1 “Procedures for Exchanging Parts, Materials, and Safety Problem Data Utilizing the Government -Industry Data Exchange Program and NASA Advisories”

NASA NPG 8735.1 - Scope Identifies the requirements to control non-conforming products and to perform corrective and preventative action Describes the requirements for the exchange of data concerning significant parts, materials, and safety problems internal and external to NASA Provides the procedures for the preparation, distribution, and close-out of GIDEP ALERTS (AL) , GIDEP SAFE-ALERTS (SA), GIDEP Problem Advisories (PA), GIDEP Agency Action Notices (AAN) , and NASA Advisories (NA)

NPG 8735.1 - Definitions GIDEP ALERT: GIDEP document for reporting a problem with parts, components, materials, specifications, software, facilities, manufacturing processes or test equipment that can cause a functional failure. GIDEP SAFE-ALERT: GIDEP document for reporting a non-conforming item, product, or situation that creates a safety hazard for personnel or equipment. GIDEP Problem Advisory: GIDEP document for reporting a problem with parts, components, materials, manufacturing processes, specifications, software, facilities, or test equipment that has an unknown or low probability of causing problems for other users. GIDEP Agency Action Notice: GIDEP document for redistributing problem information issued by a Government Agency to GIDEP Participants. NASA Advisory: A NASA Document for exchanging significant parts, materials and safety problems or concerns among NASA activities.

NPG 8735.1 - General Requirements NASA Shall: Participate in GIDEP Develop, document, and implement a process for ID, document, control and correct problems and non-conforming items Exchange significant problem and nonconforming item data among NASA Activities and within GIDEP. Evaluate and disposition GIDEP AL, SA, PA, AAN, and NA.

NPG 8735.1 - Responsibilities AA for S&MA (Code Q) Responsibilities: Establishing agencywide requirements Exchanging problems and nonconforming item data identified by NASA HQ with the NASA activities and GIDEP Performing process verifications of the enterprise and center implementation of the agencywide requirements Designating an HQ GIDEP/Alert Coordinator and an Agency Liaison to GIDEP Enterprise AA Responsibilities: Maintaining continuous oversight of their center’s implementation of these requirements Center Director Responsibilities: Developing, documenting, and implementing the Center process for: ID, control, and correction of problems and nonconforming parts Exchange of data with other centers and GIDEP Evaluation and disposition of GIDEP AL, SA, PA, AAN and NA. Designating a Center GIDEP/Alert Coordinator

NPG 8735.1 Responsibilities Program, Project, and Functional Management: Reviewing all contracts to ensure incorporation of GIDEP where appropriate NOTE: NPG 8735.1 contains sample GIDEP contract clause language Ensuring the review and disposition of all GIDEP AL, SA, PA, AAN, and NA Ensuring that all significant parts, material and safety problems of a general concern are identified and exchanges with other NASA Centers and GIDEP Ensuring that the status of all GIDEP AL, SA, PA, AAN, and NA are reviewed at program milestones and readiness reviews. HQ and Center ALERT Coordinators responsibilities Reviewing, signing, and releasing all GIDEP AL, SA, PA, AAN, and NA generated by their respective facility

NPG 8735.1- Documentation Data shall be documented and exchanged among NASA Centers and GIDEP using approved GIDEP procedures unless the GIDEP reporting criteria (Chapter 7 of the GIDEP Operations Manual) cannot be met or there are restrictions on the the release and distribution of the information Example: NASA HQ/IG coordinated NA releases GIDEP AL, SA, PA, AAN’s should be documented in accordance with the the GIDEP Operations Manual

NPG 8735.1- Documentation NA’s shall be documented using a Center unique form, which, as a minimum, should contain the following: General Statement - “This is a NASA Advisory issued in accordance…” Date of issue Release restrictions ID number “NA-Center-Sequential Number-Year” ex: “NA-HQ-002-99” Nomenclature of the item, part, component, material, specification, etc… Manufacturer name and address Procurement specification information Manufacturer’s part number Lot/date codes Serial number Statement of the problem situation or cause Action or steps taken POC’s References Center GIDEP/Alert Coordinator’s Signature, Name, Phone, Fax, and Email

NPG 8735.1 - Release & Distribution GIDEP AL, SA, PA, AAN and NA will be expeditiously released to other NASA Centers and the GIDEP Operations Center using the most effective and rapid means available (fax, email, hard-copy mail) NA’s will be coordinated with the Center Office of the Chief Counsel prior to release, and should be processed through any other appropriate center channels prior to release NA’s should be distributed to: appropriate organizations within the originating Center all other NASA Center and HQ ALERT coordinators the NASA OIG in cases of suspected fraud the EEE Parts Information Management System (GSFC/Waterbury)

NPG 8735.1 - Release and Distribution The NASA OIG: Sometimes in conjunction with other Government Agencies, the NASA OIG will identify situations potentially involving fraud, waste, and/or abuse which may also impact safety and mission assurance. When this information is received by Code Q, it is converted into a NASA Advisory (formerly known as a NASA Preliminary Alert) In these cases, caution should be exercised to ensure processing and distribution only to persons with a need to know this information, as the information is usually associated with an on-going investigation. Language can often be found in these Advisories that says “do not share this information outside government channels without prior approval from the NASA OIG” When in doubt? Call your local OIG representative. Numbering Example “NA-HQ-OIG-2001-003”

NPG 8735.1 Release and Distribution International Partners If a center has NASA programs and projects that involve international partners (such as NASDA or ESA), all GIDEP data and NA’s require special review prior to distribution to these partners. See NPD 2110.1 “Foreign Access to NASA Technology Transfer Materials” Only GIDEP and NA information that applies to the international partner’s participation in a joint NASA/International partner program may be released…generally, this means that the only information related to components or parts utilized in the equipment contributed by the international partner can be released to that partner. Prior to releasing such NA or GIDEP data to an international partner please notify your local Center GIDEP representative

NPG 8735.1 Evaluation and Disposition Upon receipt of GIDEP AL, SA, PA, AAN or NA, all Program, Project, and Functional Managers shall: Determine it’s relevance and impact to the program/project ID actions to be taken to reduce or eliminate any detrimental effects to the program/project Prepare and provide a response, including a “no-impact” response NASA Form 1544 or Center-designated form Identify programs projects impacted Number and type of parts and/or assemblies impacted Costs incurred in the investigation and/or program cost impacts Any additional testing or inspection, and the results found Collect additional information as requested by the initiator, such as with OIG cases

NPG 8735.1 Appendices Appendix 1: Definitions Appendix 2: Guidelines for the contractual Implementation of GIDEP Appendix 3: Instructions for Form 1544


NPG 8735.1 - Process Verification NOTE: NPG 8735.1 (Procedures for Exchanging Parts, Materials, and Safety Problem Data Utilizing the Government –Industry Data Exchange Program and NASA Advisories) requires that PV teams verify implementation of this directive.

PV Check List: A Center/component facility process exists for identifying, controlling, and correcting problems and nonconforming items. Documentation or evidence exists that represents this process The center/component facility is actively participating in GIDEP processes. There is evidence that GIDEP ALERTS, GIDEP SAFE-ALERTS, GIDEP Problem Advisories, GIDEP Agency Action Notices, and NASA Advisories are evaluated and dispositioned in a timely fashion. A current copy of the GIDEP operations manual is on file in the office of the Center’s official lead GIDEP representative/coordinator, or the GIDEP representative can demonstrate where and how to access this information on-line. There is a designated center/component facility GIDEP ALERT and NASA Advisory Coordinator. This person periodically attends a GIDEP training clinic. This person maintains a list of the civil servants and on-site contractors at the center/component facility who are registered GIDEP users. There is a center-unique form that is used when a NASA Advisory is issued by the center. (Component facilities should use the form from their associated center…) The center-unique form contains, at a minimum, the elements listed in 8735.1

PV Check List (Continued) NASA Advisories issued by the center/component facilities are being cleared with the center Office of Chief Council prior to release. Program, project, and functional managers have reviewed all contracts to ensure incorporation of GIDEP participation requirements. (These are spelled out in 8735.1 Appendix 2) Program, project, and functional managers are reviewing the status of all applicable GIDEP and NASA Advisories at appropriate milestones. GIDEP is being addressed appropriately in center-level procurements/contracts.