ENC 1102 Agenda for Oct. 15 Daily Objective: To appreciate the constructive comments of our peers in peer editing our essays. Daily Assignments: Go over rules for upcoming Scarevenger Hunt on October 31 and ask for volunteers to help in later periods; go over rules for Poetry Alive! (p. 82)—which will be due on November 2; go over due dates for Literary Analysis Research Paper (p. 95) Turn in notebook Show me and begin reading Read like a Rock Star book; remember your first reading log is due on Friday by 11:59 pm, in addition to your journal (and I will not be here Friday to remind you of this) AND your favorite journal is due to discussion board of turnitin.com Peer Editing of our Poem Analysis Essay in the media center/I conference with you on your essay at this time Then, finally get into the Circle of Love and Understanding and read: “Driving to Town Late to Mail a Letter,” “Birthday Cake,” “Metaphors,” “Turtles,” “Recital,” and Blake poetry Write a poem about a favorite birthday memory that uses imagery or another figure of speech OR write a poem on an injustice or emotion
ENC 1102 Agenda for October 19 Daily Objective: To learn and appreciate the art of reading and writing poems. Daily Assignments: Watch Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Rime of the Ancient Mariner and do questions In a group, model a poem in the style of Coleridge’s with at least three stanzas
ENC 1101 Agenda for Oct. 15 Daily Objective: To appreciate the constructive comments of our peers in peer editing our essays. Daily Assignments: Go over rules for upcoming Scarevenger Hunt on October 31 (p. 93) and ask for volunteers to help in later periods Assign Read like a Rock Star book (p. 94)—bring to class on November 12 Assign research paper on Florida social issue and go over due dates (p. 86) Peer Editing of our Classification/Division essay in the freshman computer lab Work on Creative Projects on The Canterbury Tales Begin reading Beowulf Note: Bring Wadsworth on Wednesday AND WEAR COMFORTABLE SHOES AND BRING A CAMERA SO WE CAN DO OUR SHS PILGRIMMAGE
ENC 1101 Agenda for Oct. 17 Daily Objective: To understand that we go to the greatest high school ever. Daily Assignments: Complete SHS Pilgrimmage Continue reading Beowulf
ENC 1101 Agenda for Oct. 19 Daily Objective: To understand what made a hero in the Beowulf’s time and what makes a hero today. Daily Assignments: Finish reading Beowulf, do questions, and do group activity Finish work on Canterbury Tales projects
AP Agenda for Oct. 15 (A Day) Daily Objective: To understand the language and philosophies of Henry David Thoreau Daily Assignments: Turn in SOS on AP Essay #2 Go over rules for upcoming Scarevenger Hunt on October 31 (p. 93) and ask for volunteers to help in later periods Go over instructions for Final Draft of AP Essay #1 or #2 (p. 163) “Pop Quiz” Question on “Where I Lived, What I Lived for” and “Reading” AP MC Practice #5—come up with 2 mc questions w/ a-c then do questions Play “Who Am I?” Review Game to get ready for Friday’s test If time, in-class reading time for Walden or study time for test
Who Am I? Review Game Your teacher will tape the name of one of the people in A Walk in the Woods, One Child, or Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass to your back You will need to ask classmates questions to figure out who you are You can only ask a single classmate TWO questions before you move onto the next classmate Once you figure out who you are, line up in the back of the classroom You will describe your person to the class at the end of the game Sample types of questions: Am I a major or minor person? Am I in A Walk in the Woods? You can get more specific with your questions as you get more clues!
AP Agenda for Oct. 16 (B Day) Daily Objective: To understand the language and philosophies of Henry David Thoreau Daily Assignments: Turn in SOS on AP Essay #2 Go over rules for upcoming Scarevenger Hunt on November 1 (p. 93) and ask for volunteers to help in later periods Go over instructions for Final Draft of AP Essay #1 or #2 (p. 163) “Pop Quiz” Question on “Where I Lived, What I Lived for” and “Reading” AP MC Practice #5—come up with 2 mc questions w/ a-c then do questions Play “Who Am I?” Review Game to get ready for Friday’s test If time, in-class reading time for Walden or study time for test
AP Agenda for Oct. 18/19 Daily Objective: To successfully complete a college- level comprehensive test. Daily Assignments: Take Quarterterm Test