The new webmag by European teenagers THE EUROPEAN TOUCH
Where did it all start? Once upon a time, in an Etwinning workshop in Scotland 2
Who are we? enthusiastic students motivated English teachers In the school’s computer room And with – of course - the authorisation of their supportive headmasters … 3
What did we do? With other European teenage partners: Ages 16-18from France, Netherlands, Italy and Belgium Ages from Slovenia, Netherlands, UK, Spain In order to reflect other teenagers’ points of view in Europe On different current issues and topics in which teenagers are interested in We decided to create a webmag for teenagers and by teenagers … 8
What were our goals? To publish online at least 3 webmags a year : Presenting 1 or 2 main files Including recurring columns (news, culture, cooking, beauty and fashion, ups and downs, sexuality…) To diversify our media: articles but also video and audio podcasts To advertise for our webmag (with flyers and posters … and maybe on a radio station soon dealing with Europe !) 9
How do we work? We have created eTwinning clubs in our high-school With volonteer students Selected according to their motivation and sense of initiatives or their capacities in English or their knowledge in softwares and computers … well, their different talents ! Selected Recruited through individual 5-minute-interviews 10
How do we work? We have a one-hour session every week During which we work in groups of 2 to 4 people On the different files and/or columns And exchanging through our web collaborative platform "moodle“ (forums, chats, sharings of files…) forums 11
What have we already achieved? The first issue of our webmag was published online mid-october : ages 16-18: ages 11-15: zines/EuropeanTouch11_15 zines/EuropeanTouch11_15 zines/EuropeanTouch11_15 Of course, it isn’t perfect yet but we have great hopes for our second issue ! 12
Our hopes for tomorrow? To meet our European partners for real ! To develop the concept of Students Ambassadors of eTwinning projects by presenting our club : at teachers training sessions with our teachers In different schools in our surrondings or even further ! In Etwinning workshops 13