The Cold and Hard facts of
It’s more acceptable for boys to masturbate than girls. The truth is, it's natural for boys and girls to masturbate - both do it. Only people who can't "get any" masturbate. People who have regular sex partners actually masturbate more often than those who don't. Most people don’t masturbate About 98% of adults have reported that they've masturbated at some time in their lives. Masturbation is unhealthy. Masturbation releases stress and physical tension. Many people masturbate to relax, and it can help some people fall asleep. One recent study found that frequent ejaculation from masturbating may reduce a man's chances of developing prostate cancer. It's bad to masturbate every day. Some people masturbate every day — or even more than once a day. That's fine. Masturbation only becomes “too much” when it gets in the way of daily activities, such as school, work, or family life.
Sexual-education programs do not place enough emphasis on sexual responsibility, intimacy, commitment, love, and marriage. While they warn teenagers about the dangers of unprotected sex, they do not say enough about the harm caused by having sex at a tender age. Teens who have many sexual partners at an early age may undermine their ability to develop and sustain loving and committed relationships as adults. One of the biggest risk factors for early teen sex was the perception that a teen's friends were having sex
A recent study found that more than half of all television programs, excluding news, sporting events, and children’s programming, contained sexual content. Another study shows that 12- to 14-year-olds exposed to the most sexual content in movies, music, magazines, and on television were 2.2 times more likely to have had sexual intercourse when re- interviewed two years later then their peers who had a lighter sexual media diet of more than three scenes per hour. Children Now reports that 38% of the female characters in video games are scantily clad, 23% baring breasts or cleavage, 31% exposing thighs, another 31% exposing stomachs or midriffs, and 15% baring their behinds.
The exploration of the adolescent’s sexual identity is influenced by American culture. Heterosexual adolescents spend little or no time assuming their sexual identity as anything else. Homosexual adolescents have a more challenging time than heterosexual adolescents due to the fact that homosexuality is degraded and criticized in American culture. In some cases, this puts them through a period of confusion and exploration before accepting or committing to their sexual identity. If they do not accept their sexual identity, they may feel isolated and guilty, leading to abuse of drugs and/or a confused mental state.
Teens often retreat to sex as a way to save a relationship, gain acceptance, or prove that they are mature Complications arise when two have have different expectations of the relationship; know your partner. It’s a one time experience that could lead to life-long effects Don’t be afraid to say “No”
Activity Draw (to the best of your ability) this outline. In it write down words that describe your thoughts and feelings about dating, sex and sexuality.
Activity Draw a shadow outline about 2 inches away from the first outline. In it write down words that describe the messages that you get from peers, parents, the media, movies, songs etc about dating, sex and sexuality.
Journal Read the words in the original outline and then read the words in the shadow outline. How do your views relate to the views of others and the views of the media? Is there a major discrepancy? How does this make you feel? How are people rewarded for following outside messages? Where can you find support when making decisions that you feel are best for you?
Healthy sexuality This has to do with: Pleasure Self respect Connection Values and beliefs Responsibility Know how Respect Health