Analyzing an ACT Prompt Revised 2011 University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas
What the Prompt will Look Like Based on a local, state, or national topic: –Should vending machines in schools be banned to curb obesity –Should the U.S. bail out “big businesses” –Should the businesses control schools? –Should students attend high school for five years –Should students have a 3.0 or better to participate in extra-curricular activities
How long? MANAGE YOUR TIME Read the prompt/ Think about it/ Analyze (5 minutes) Intro (5 minutes) 2 body paragraphs (10-15 minutes) Conclusion (5 minutes)
The Intro University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas
The Body University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas
The Conlusion University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas
Topic: iPODs Teachers and students often disagree about the presence of iPods in the classroom. Students claim that listening to music helps them concentrate better, makes the period pass more quickly, and keeps them from conducting side conversations with friends during class. Teachers, on the other hand, say iPods disrupt class because students who listen to them sometimes turn them up too loud, fiddle with them when they should be working, or listen to them when they should be listening to oral instructions. In order to eliminate these potential disruptions, (Your) High School will institute a “no tolerance” policy with regard to iPods. Anyone caught using one during class will be given one warning. After that, iPods will be confiscated. Is this a policy you could support, or do you believe it would be a mistake to institute this new rule? In your essay, take a position on the question. You may write about either point of view given, or you may present a different one. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
A No Tolerance Policy is being proposed Teachers desire a change Focused students Purposeful learning Engaged Students Disrupt class Students ignore oral instructions University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas
Analyzing the Prompt A clear-cut policy Ipods are confiscated upon entry Ipods do not belong in the classroom. School-wide enforcement Parental support Ipods enable some students to focus better Instructions are not heard University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas
Historically, students LEARNED more in times when electronic devices did not exit Jammers, which are currently illegal in the U.S. by the FCC, should be legalized to inhibit use of electronic devices Pop culture is negative; there are too many bad examples of role models within mainstream media. (Charlie Sheen, Nicki Minaj..) University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas
Next Step: Organization University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas
The Intro University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas
The Body University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas
The Conlusion University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas
Other Prompts CHILDHOOD OBESITY Public health officials have been alarmed at the increasing rates of child obesity. As a result, some schools have banned "junk food" such as soda, chips, candy, and other products from all vending machines and cafeteria menus. Other school officials believe that the snacks are a good source of revenue and nice treat for those students who eat them in moderation. Should the schools ban junk food items? In your essay, take a position on this question. You may write about either one of the two points of view given, or you may present a different point of view on this question. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. In your essay, take a position on the question. You may write about either point of view given, or you may present a different one. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas
Other Prompts STANDARDIZED TESTING Teachers and legislators often disagree about what is best for students. Many legislators believe student achievement should be evaluated with standardized tests like the ACT. They also believe teachers and the schools should be held accountable for producing students capable of scoring well on these tests. Teachers, on the other hand, often complain about having to “teach to the test.” They say their curriculum is being dictated by the ACT, which in their opinion may not be the best measure of a student’s ability to succeed, but they also acknowledge that higher ACT scores help students get accepted to the colleges of their choice. (Your) High School is adopting a more aggressive approach to preparing students for the ACT by requiring teachers to incorporate the ACT’s “college readiness standards” into their curriculum. In your opinion, is this a wise decision, or are you concerned that it may weaken your academic experience? In your essay, take a position on the question. You may write about either point of view given, or you may present a different one. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas
Other Prompts EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES PROMPT Due to limited funding, many high schools have proposed cuts in their extra-curricular activities programs. Some taxpayers and educational leaders see these programs as frills and not important to the education of students. Others say that these programs are crucial in developing well-rounded students. In your opinion, should extra-curricular activities be cut in order to balance the budgets in public schools? In your essay, take a position on the question. You may write about either point of view given, or you may present a different one. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas
Other Prompts SCHOOL UNIFORMS PROMPT Your public high school is considering a new policy that would require students to wear school uniforms. Several school board members have noted that teens put too much time and energy into fashion and that many are wearing distracting clothes to school. They argue that we will see an improvement in discipline and academics with a school uniform policy such as the ones at private schools. Others on the school board have argued that the dress code we have now is reasonable - no hats, no gang styles, and no revealing clothes. What is your position? In your opinion, should your public high school require students to wear uniforms like the ones in private/Catholic schools? In your essay, take a clear position on this issue. You may write about either of the two points of view given, or you may present a different view. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas
Other Prompts COMMUNITY SERVICE PROMPT Some parents and school officials are concerned that too many teenagers have become selfish and have little concern for the welfare of others. They cite the amount of money, time, and energy that teens spend on new clothes, C.D.s, and various forms of entertainment. To address the concerns, some schools have added a new graduation requirement - community service. Prior to graduation, this would require 60 hours of non- paid work at at nursing homes, preschools, park districts, and other community organizations. Those in favor of this plan argue that it would teach our students valuable lessons about helping the community. Opponents have argued that “community service” should come from the heart and that teens are extremely busy with academics, activities, and jobs. In your opinion, should public schools require community service of all students? In your essay, take a clear position on this issue. You may write about either of the two points of view given, or you may present a different view. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas
Other Prompts MAGAZINE PROMPT Many high school libraries use some of their limited funding to subscribe to popular magazines with articles that are interesting to students. Despite limited funding, some educators support this practice because they think having these magazines available encourages students to read. Other educators think school libraries should not use limited funds to subscribe to these magazines because they may not be related to academic subjects. In your opinion, should public school libraries subscribe to popular magazines? In your essay, take a clear position on this issue. You may write about either of the two points of view given, or you may present a different view. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. University of Illinois-Chicago Curriculum Framework Project/ Presented by M. Baltsas