Sep 2003 CCSDS Navigation WG Progress Report MOIMS Meeting Oct 2003 CSC, Maryland, USA Felipe Flores-Amaya CCSDS Navigation WG
Sep 2003Report to MOIMS2 Executive Summary Orbit Data Message (ODM) RB ready for release for a final CCSDS wide review in preparation for standard approval. XML issue was discussed for future implementation for all Recommendations GB and RB contributions for the attitude data document (draft) produced and in development. Kickoff of tracking data material (drafts) discussed and in development Nav WG plans to present a paper at SpaceOps2004 Timing and object ID’s material was discussed Joint discussion with the Spacecraft Control BOF
Sep 2003Report to MOIMS3 Progress Achieved (1) {Goals and schedules) ODM ready for release for a final CCSDS wide review in preparation for standard approval. This is the current version of the Recommendation, without the XML option. Internal WG review will be completed in Oct, then doc will be distributed to all CCSDS agencies for a final review. XML issue was discussed for future implementation for all Recommendations. A preliminary concept for XML schema will be completed for review at the Spring 2004 meeting, for addition to the ODM Recommendation. GB contributions (draft) for the attitude data document produced and in development. All GB related material will be added to the existing Navigation GB, after internal WG review. Completion date: Spring RB contributions (drafts) for attitude produced and in development. A second draft for the attitude data message will be completed for review by the Nav WG at the Spring 2004 meeting. Expect to release doc for CCSDS wide review by the Fall 2004 meeting.
Sep 2003Report to MOIMS4 Progress Achieved (2) Kickoff of tracking data material (drafts) discussed and in development. GB and RB first drafts will be completed for review at the Spring Several iterations are anticipated, due to the complexity of the topic, first internal review scheduled for Dec Nav WG plans to present a paper at SpaceOps2004. Schedule driven by this conference. Timing and object ID’s material was discussed. The Timing Services BOF and the CESG will be asked to determine future activities in these areas. Joint S/C Control BOF and Nav WG session. Agreed on need for joint efforts. Specific flight dynamics products will be defined. Based on current level of effort, Nav WG expects to meet the schedule defined in the current charter. All work is expected to be completed in 2005.
Sep 2003Report to MOIMS5 Open Points Understanding and familiarization with XML. Does CCSDS provide support for XML software application? If yes, then who is responsible for coordination and provision of tools? When a WG goes out of business, how will the produced standards be implemented, maintained and improved? Who is monitoring future needs and future work, as WGs go out of business?
Sep 2003Report to MOIMS6 Action List Period Oct 2003 to May 2004 ODM internal review Oct; release for CCSDS review after MC approval (Nov) XML schema investigation by early March, with internal review in Dec Attitude GB and RB updated drafts ready by early March, with internal review in Dec Tracking GB and RB initial drafts by early Dec for internal review; continuing with additional internal reviews in March and May SpaceOps2004 paper to be started in Dec, based on approval
Sep 2003Report to MOIMS7 Resource Problems No problems at this time. However, future workload will be high. Furthermore, there are some uncertainties, for example, the level of effort to complete the XML description.
Sep 2003Report to MOIMS8 Risk Management Update No problems at this time.
Sep 2003Report to MOIMS9 Cross MOIMS WG/BOF Issues Close cooperation is expected with the Spacecraft Control BOF, related to navigation interfaces.
Sep 2003Report to MOIMS10 Relations with other areas Need clarification on interface with Cross Support Services Area. The topic of mutual interest is the tracking data interface. With which WGs or BOFs do we interface? Need clarification on the interface with the Systems Engineering and Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Areas. The topic of interest is timing. With which WGs or BOFs do we interface?
Sep 2003Report to MOIMS11 Resolutions Resolution 1. To release the ODM RB for a final CCSDS wide review, for the purpose of promotion to BB status. Resolution 2. Nav WG is forwarding the material on Object IDs to the CSEG for disposition by the new Space Assigned Numbers Authority (SANA). Resolution 3. Current flight dynamics practice favors the use of UTC. Therefore, it is highly recommended that the Timing Services Architecture BOF consider UTC as the primary time standard. Resolution 4. Radio Metric and Orbit Data B-1 is obsolete and can be retired
Sep 2003Report to MOIMS12 New Working Items None at this time
Sep 2003Report to MOIMS13 Participants F. Flores-Amaya (NASA/GSFC) T. McEltayh (NASA/JPL) R. Kiehling (DLR) J. Foliard (CNES) T. Martin-Mur (NASA/JPL) S. Pallaschke (ESA/ESOC) J. VanEepoel (NASA/GSFC) N. Peccia (ESA/ESOC)
Sep 2003Report to MOIMS14 Acronyms CCSDS Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems CNES Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales DLR Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt ESA European Space Agency ESOC European Space Operations Centre ESTEC European Space & Technology Centre GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center IACG Inter-Agency Consultative Group JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASDA National Space Development Agency of Japan CESG CCSDS Engineering Steering Group