Direct and Indirect Quotations Merivale High School Library and Information Centre
Documenting Sources Use your MHS style guide to check for proper format! For this assignment, use Parenthetical citation to give credit to your sources as you use them (Style Guide – Pg. 3). Use a Works Cited page to give the full reference for each source.
Parenthetical Citation (MHS Style Guide – Pg. 3) Written directly in your report. Entries include the following information in parentheses: (Author, Year, Page). Ex. (Clarke, 2006, 86)
Direct Quotations – Embedded Four lines or less Enclose in quotation marks. Type the quote word for word. Add your parenthetical citation, after the second quotation mark. The period follows the citation. “This sentence is fewer than four lines” (Clarke, 2007, 87).
Direct Quotations – Indented Five lines or more Do not enclose in quotations Introduce with a colon Indent the entire quotation 5 spaces and single space. Place the parenthetical citation after the quote. The period goes after your citation.
Direct Quotations – Indented EX: Hindley returns to Wuthering Heights to act as master of the household, and begins to exact revenge upon Heathcliff for having displaced him within the family. The ill will that Hindley feels for Heathcliff is longstanding, as Nelly explains: …from the very beginning, [Heathcliff] bred bad feeling in the house; and at Mrs. Earnshaw’s death, which happened less than two years after, the young master [Hindley] had learnt to regard his father as an oppressor rather than a friend, and Heathcliff as a usurper of his father’s affections and his privileges, and he grew bitter with brooding over these injuries. (Bronte, 1995, 34) Thus, once Hindley is in a position of power over Heathcliff, he has the opportunity to inflict some oppression of his own. In an effort to degrade Heathcliff…
Indirect Quotations (Paraphrasing) Paraphrasing means referring to another person’s ideas using your own words and voice. To paraphrase correctly you must: Change the words Change the paragraph/sentence structure Preserve the meaning of the original text Your Parenthetical and Works Cited documentation is the same as it is for direct quotations.
Indirect Quotations – Example Original Source In the 1980’s and 1990’s, civil wars in countries such as Somalia, Bosnia, Rwanda and Sudan changed the face of aid again. More and more aid was directed towards peacekeeping and emergencies. Reference: Garlake, Teresa. 20th Century Issues: Poverty, Changing Attitudes 1900-2000. Austen: Steck-Vaughn Publishers, 2000. 50-51. Student Work Civil wars in many countries, including Somalia and Rwanda, have caused aid to be redirected to peacekeeping and emergency relief (Garlake, 2000, 51). Reference: Garlake, Teresa. 20th Century Issues: Poverty, Changing Attitudes 1900-2000. Austen: Steck-Vaughn Publishers, 2000. 50-51.
Works Cited (MHS Style Guide – Pg. 16-22) Last page of your paper. Alphabetical list of sources (by author, if no author – then by title). Each item starts at the margin, 2nd and 3rd lines are indented 5 spaces. Items are NOT numbered. Book, newspaper and magazine titles are underlined. Article names are in “quotation marks”.
Sample Works Cited Page