Proposing an Emancipatory Model for Vocational Guidance IAEVG International Conference Jyväskylä, Finland, June 3-5, 2009 Jean-Jacques Ruppert and Bernd-Joachim Ertelt
4 priority areas to encourage the lifelong acquisition of career management skills to facilitate the access to guidance services for all citizens to develop the quality assurance of guidance provision to encourage coordination and cooperation among the various national, regional and local stakeholders
career management skills - learning about the economic environment, businesses and occupations - being able to evaluate oneself, knowing oneself and being able to describe the competences one has acquired in formal, informal and non-formal education settings - understanding education, training and qualification systems
traits of information overload - specific information has to be increasingly “visible” in order to compete effectively with other sources - the informee’s interest in information decreases to the point where he/she may even develop a defensive attitude towards new information - the importance of pictorial communication increases as the attractiveness of verbal expression decreases
demand-orientation systems allow users: - to define their needs - to select sources that lead to desired results - to obtain information on how to use the sources relevant to their needs - to realise when personal assistance by a guidance counsellor is necessary - to use only those links that provide ‘effective’ assistance
effective information marketing - What type of information to provide to different clients and target groups? - How and in which order to communicate this information? - When should a career counsellor intervene? - What resources are required for effective information marketing?
people’s relationship to work and missions of guidance - pre-established order: there is a suitable job for everybody support in realising or ‘restoring’ this harmonious design - man has needs and values regarding his professional development must take those needs and values into account
people’s relationship to work and missions of guidance - personal development enable the individual to use his professional activity as a means to develop his personality - “work alienates man” should minimise that alienation
evolution of research issues - “How to match individuals and occupations?” - “How to match individuals and working sets?” - “What are the factors and processes involved in life- long career adaptation and development?” J. Guichard, 2009
evolution of research issues - “What are the factors and processes in the development of future intentions and prospects in young people?” - “What are the factors and processes implicated in the development,the taking of stock and transfer of competences?” - “What are the factors and processes at stake in psycho- social transitions?” J. Guichard, 2009
“... in our current societal context, vocational issues are never simple questions of work, employment or career. They always point to a major question addressed to the individual: that of designing his/her life.” J. Guichard, 2009
- the goals must be well defined in quantitative terms - the decision-maker’s values must be stable - the situation must be stable - the task is restricted to the selection between options - the number of alternatives generated must be exhaustive - the optimal choice can be selected without disproportionate time and effort “Ideal” conditions for optimising decision-making G. Klein, 2002
“Ideal” conditions for optimising decision-making - the options must be thoroughly compared to each other - the decision-maker must use a compensatory strategy - the probability estimates must be coherent and accurate - the scenarios used to predict failures must be exhaustive and realistic - the evaluation of each scenario must be exhaustive G. Klein, 2002
“fast and frugal heuristcs” “bounded rationality” “ecological rationality” “fast and frugal heuristics employ a minimum of time, knowledge and computation to make adaptive choices in real environments” G. Gigerenzer, P. Todd and the ABC Research Group, 1999
- “What is the true meaning of ‘emancipation’ in vocational guidance in the context of “sanction-counselling?” - “How does emancipatory counselling fit in with the placement policies in PES?” - “Do counsellors have the necessary qualifications and attitudes to deliver emancipatory guidance?” - “What could be the role of emancipatory counselling in HR Management and Change Management?” research questions in emancipatory guidance
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