Surgeon By Garrett Day
Job description of a Surgeon Surgeons are physicians who operate to repair injuries, prevent diseases, and generally improve the health of patients General surgeons perform many kinds of operations. Others specialize in one type of operation or one system or area of the body
Typical work day and hours. Surgeons work long hours, mostly at hospitals where they operate on patients. Surgeons frequently perform emergency operations. Most surgeons maintain offices outside hospitals where they explain procedures to their patients
Educational requirements Medical schools require applicants to have bachelor's degrees, usually with majors in a science, such as chemistry or biology. Most medical colleges have four-year programs that lead to doctor of medicine (MD) degrees. A few medical schools offer combined undergraduate and medical school programs. In all cases, medical school is followed by internships and residencies—on-the-job training at
School choices Northwestern university 633 Clark Street Evanston, IL Evanston: Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine 303 E. Chicago Ave, Ward Chicago, IL Seattle University th Ave., P.O. Box , Seattle, WA University of Washington school of medicine Seattle, WA /
Course outline for a degree Bachelors degree in biochemistry- Freshman year English Composition I & II MATH Calculus I & II Core History BIOL 1020 Principles of Biology and Lab(1021) General Chemistry I &II General Chemistry Lab I & II
Sophomore year Engineering Physics I & II Core History MATH 2630 Calculus III MATH 2650 Linear Differential Equation CHEM Organic Chemistry I & II CHEM Organic Chemistry Lab I & II CHEM 3050 Analytical Chemistry CHEM 3051 Analytical Chemistry Lab
Junior year World Literature I General Microbiology Biochemistry I & II Biochemistry Lab Genetics Chemical Literature Physical Chemistry I & II Physical Chemistry Lab I & II Elective
Senior year World Literature II Core Fine Arts Core Philosophy Core Social Science Group I & II Special Problems in Chemistry Undergraduate Seminar Inorganic Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Lab Instrumental Analysis Instrumental Analysis Lab Undergraduate Graduation
Med school course outline 1 st Year- Medical decision making Structure and function Problem based learning 1,2,3, & 4 Medical decision making Patients in context Clinical ethics Communication skills Physician examination skills weeks Cultural dynamics in medicine College curriculum forms
Med school 2 nd year- Scientific Basis of Medicine Problem-Based Medicine (PBL) Organization and Economics of Medicine Clinical Skills Vulnerable Groups of Profession of Medicine Healthy Living Clinical Skills Seminar Break Vulnerable Groups or Profession of Medicine Clinical Skills Assessment
Med school 3 rd year- Weeks 1 Introduction to Clinical Clerkships 12 Medicine 4 Neurology 6 Obstetrics and Gynecology 6 Pediatrics 4 Primary Care 4 Psychiatry 12 Surgery Once Monthly Interdisciplinary Medicine
4 th year- 2Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 4Emergency Medicine 4Critical Care 4Sub Internship 12 Hours Teaching Selective Once Monthly Patient Physician Society IV
Possible work areas Northwestern Memorial Hospital – Chicago Cook County Hospital- Chicago Harborview Medical Center- Seattle Johns Hopkins Hospital - Baltimore
Job outlook The long term job out look is to finish residency and become a long term staff member of a hospital Needs more information that could be found on the Occupational Outlook Handbook.
Impact of discipline Surgery has changed society by giving people a greater chance to live if there in an accident, if they have cancer, or any other type of disease. Need specific examples of technology impact. How many surgries are done every year.
New technology Called natural orifice translumenal endoscopic surgery (NOTES), an endoscope is inserted through a natural body opening, rather than through an internal incision in the stomach. This avoids any external incisions or scars
Company's to work at Johns Hopkins Hospital- Baltimore Cook county Hospital- Chicago Harborview Medical Center- Seattle Massachusetts General Hospital- Boston
Job description Performs surgery to correct deformities, repair injuries, prevent diseases, and improve function in patients: Examines patient to verify necessity of operation, estimate possible risk to patient, and determine best operational procedure.
Professional organization American medical association- to promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health. Needs web site