Living in Hazard Zones Why do people live in an area vulnerable to earthquakes and volcanoes? Come up with your own list of suggestions. You have 5 minutes
A case study of human activity in young fold mountains – the Alps Our case study is the Alps in Europe. The mountain range extends across France, Italy Switzerland, Austria and Germany. (It’s the brown bit) (in other words how people live there)
Quick exam skills revision…. Can you draw this climate graph? JFMAMJJASOND Tempera ture (Celsius) Precipita tion (mm)
My suggestion….. Months Precipitation Temp mm
The main case study Use the ‘New Places’ (pages 74-77) and ‘Wider World’ books (pages ). Break your work down into the following headings: 1.Location 2.Describe what the ski resorts themselves are like. (2 paragraphs) 3.What was life like before large scale tourism? Why was it hard to develop the area economically?(3 paragraph 4.Describe the changes to the area since tourism. Categorise these into social/economic and physical/environmental. Also split them into negative and positive changes. (main part of your work) 5.To sum up do q. 6 p. 77 in ‘Places’. Also include what could be done to curb the worst effects of tourism in the area. (3-4 paragraphs)