To help describe where a place is located you need to use latitude. This is the distance the place is from the equator.
/ 30° – 60° north and south of the equator.
The further away from the equator you travel the colder the weather gets because the sun rays are at a greater angle.
The best ski resort are in these mountain ranges.
Best time to go. If you want to go skiing in the northern hemisphere in places like the Rocky Mountains in Canada and the USA, The Alps in France, Austria and Switzerland or Sapporo in Japan then you should go in the winter months beginning mostly at the end of November and ending towards the end of March. If you are going skiing in the southern hemisphere for example in Chile or New Zealand then you will need to go between May and October.
Too much snow can cause delays and cancellations of flights. It maybe the problem is another part of the world but it stops the aircraft from moving so it has a knock on effect.
Even if you manage to land you may not be able to transfer to your hotel because roads may be blocked. People may not be able to get in but others may not be able to get out and this will affect their money supply and their work.
Sometimes ski resorts are prone to avalanches which can disrupt travel plans as roads and resorts can be cut off. It is essential that all tourists be warned about preparing for extreme cold conditions. People can suffer from snow blindness if they do not wear sunglasses in bright sunlight. It is also possible to get snow burn from the light reflect from the snow so cream will need to be used. All skiers should wear appropriate thick clothing as the cold weather can lead to hypothermia and all should wear thick socks and gloves to avoid frost bite.
1) Where does snow occur? a. Mention distance from the equator b. main mountain ranges c. Examples of ski resorts both north and south and the mountain ranges they are in. 2) When are the best and worst times to go in the north and the south? – explain why 3)How might snow affect travel to the destination? 4)How should tourists prepare for a holiday in a ski resort?