Mrs. Hoover’s Classroom Expectations
About Me…
5 Rules One person talks at a time(usually me) 3,2,1 = Silence (Seriously) Be respectful (especially in front of company) Be prepared ( I have paper and pens. Just grab them. If you disturb class asking neighbors I will consider you unprepared. ) Be on task
Discipline Book Step 1 = Warning Step 2 = Sign the book
Automatic Sign the book Tardy Unprepared (No pen, no paper, missing homework without telling me first) Talking after 3,2,1
The Book Name/ Date /Reason/ Parent # /2 nd Chance
So What???? The consequences of signing the book Phone call home (depending on attitude and infraction I may call home at any time once you have signed the book) More than once in a week I will call home 3 or more in a week = Counselor referral After counseling referral all other instances of signing book make you a Frequent Signer (You don’t want to be that)
2 nd Chance At any time if you believe you have been told to sign the book unfairly mark 2 nd chance. This lets me know you want to talk about it and are ready not to waste class time with individual issues. I find it to be a sign of maturity and will often erase the signing. I will not do this if it becomes commonplace, however. I will listen to these anytime before or after class or before or after school for up to 24hours after the incident.
Citizenship Grade 2 or more missing assignments will not receive an O even if they have never signed the book (I consider doing the work assigned to be directly related to one’s citizenship. Your behavior may earn an “S” for satisfactory but Outstanding is reserved for those that diligently complete assignments.) Frequent Signers= N or U More than 3 Total signs a quarter = S
Good News? Bathroom Passes 3 a quarter Use for going to the bathroom, getting a drink, going to your locker and…
Citizenship Buyback You can use extra bathroom passes to improve your citizenship. Twice a quarter I will discuss citizenship with each of you individually. Extra bathroom passes factor into this conversation and may restore your citizenship back to an S or O if it has fallen below. If you are the perfect child, I will take back bathroom passes at the end of the quarter and reward you with candy.
Late Work Acc. loses 25% a day until 3 rd day which the assignment is worth zero Gen loses 10% a day until 5 th day when the assignment is worth zero All late work must be put in the late basket with a late slip filled out, even if you were absent. No work will be graded without a late slip attached and properly filled out.
Late Work No work will be graded without a late slip attached and properly filled out.
Rules Quiz Friday T/F If you argue when asked to the sign the book, you will sign it twice. T/F If you are absent the day an assignment is due, and you were present when it was assigned, you don’t have to hand it in until 3 days later. T/F In order to hand in an assignment late it must have a filled out late slip on it. T/F When you are absent and hand in an assignment after the due date you don’t need a late slip. T/F Late work goes in your period basket. T/F Late work without a completely filled out late slip attached will not be graded. T/F If you think you signed the book unfairly you should say something right away. T/F If you need a pen just ask someone for one. T/F If you “buyback” a missing you get full credit for that assignment. An assignment is marked of _____% per day until it is worth nothing. List the 5 classroom rules (word for word)
Movie Rules 1.Fun class, act like it. 2.All classwork, do it. 3.Any missing assignments= No O in citizenship. 4.Sign the book 3 times = referral 5.3 bathroom passes a quarter= No more 6.3,2,1= Silence
Things this week 1.Rules Quiz Friday 2.Parent Permission Due Thursday 3.Course Expectations Due Thursday 4.(Show how to print course expectations)