PASSION TO ACTION Rev. Michael Mast 1
Reorientation Needed From DOING to BEING: This asks, what i s the difference between “Going to Church ” and “Being the Church? ” a) This represents an important shift in focus from “methodology ” (how we ’ ve done things) to “ identity ” (who we are in Christ). b) Method asks: “ What can we do to reach more people? ” c) Identity asks, “How can we reshape ourselves to be more like Christ in His world? ”
Missional DNA The most important thing—seek to understand the people we were called to reach. Go to the people; don ’ t wait for them to come to you!
Reorientation Needed From ATTRACTIONAL to INCARNATIONAL: a) Attraction is the church ’ s basic strategy for reaching the lost and getting them into the church building. b) Incarnation focuses on living and sharing the Gospel “where life happens. ” c) The church should be measured by its “sending capacity” not its “seating capacity. ”
Demographics to Discernment We need to decipher the individual communities to which God has sent us.
Models to Missions How can this church be God ’ s missionary to this community? How can YOU be God’s missionary to the people you live with and meet?
Reorientation Needed From PROSPECTS to PEOPLE Jesus misses the most. A church in Phoenix calls unbelievers “the precious. ” Understanding this difference leads Christ ’ s followers to “ be the Church ” and not just “ go to Church. ”
Missional DNA Missional Not a method but an attitude, perspective, passion, and lifestyle that defines who we are and flows from our relationship to Jesus. Not an event, like an outreach event, but a total way of living that affects the way we think, speak, and act.
Ambition to Make a Difference Belief We can do it better Desire to make it happen Hunger for success Proactive
Feel the Heat Get involved Take risks Willing to be affected Suffer for the cause
Emotion Angry with failure Happy with success Empathy with people Express feelings
Conflict Challenge mediocrity Argue for beliefs Confront / Resolve Issues
Passion… Passion drives change Passion overcomes difficulties Passion generates action Passion inspires others Passion means... You’re sold out for Christ!
How could this church be God’s missionary to this community? How could I be a missionary (blessing) to the people God allows to cross my path?
Brainstorming When you brainstorm, you pray about and devise ways to aim for, and hit, the bulls eye.
Brainstorming For example, if being the hands and feet of Jesus is hitting the bulls eye, what are you doing, and what is your church doing, to hit the bulls eye? Brainstorm about what could be done to make this a reality in your life. This would be futile without an attitude change and passion.
Community Leader breakfast Missional communities Carry gift cards to give away Servant Events in the community The importance of relationships and the work of the Spirit in the process.