Mark A. Hoffman, PhD, ATC President, NATA Foundation
Invocation Paul Newman, MS, ATC Athletes in Action
Mark A. Hoffman, PhD, ATC President, NATA Foundation
Opening Remarks Cindy Trowbridge, PhD, ATC, LAT Chair, NATA Foundation Scholarship Committee
Master of Ceremonies Jay Sedory MEd, ATC, EMT-T Athletic Trainer, United States Marine Corps
Keynote Speaker Steve Moore Cartoonist, In the Bleachers
Recognition of Entry Level Scholars Presenter Adam Annaccone, Med, ATC, PES
Gary Delforge Scholarship Audrey Bolt Lynchburg College Sponsor: Friends of Gary Delforge and RMATA
Rebecca Payne Memorial Scholarship John Bonney University of Southern Maine Sponsor: Rebecca Payne Memorial Fund
Frank George Scholarship Kaitlyn Deutsch Slippery Rock University Sponsor: Eastern Athletic Trainers’ Association
Jerry Rhea Scholarship Teresa Elliott Slippery Rock University Sponsor: Jerry Rhea/Atlanta Falcons Scholarship Fund
Bill Buhler Memorial Scholarship Elizabeth Ferraro West Chester University of Pennsylvania Sponsor: Baseball Team Medicine Conference
Larry “Stosh” Neumann Memorial Scholarship Marissa Jones University of Tennessee Sponsor: Professional Football Athletic Trainers’ Association
Jerry Rhea Scholarship Lindsey Martin University of Charleston Sponsor: Jerry Rhea/Atlanta Falcons Scholarship Fund
William Prentice Scholarship Leann McKay University of Charleston Sponsor: Mid-Atlantic Athletic Trainers’ Association
GLATA Living Pinky Newell Undergraduate Scholarship Alison Reddick Grand Valley State University Sponsor: Great Lakes Athletic Trainer’s Association
NATA Foundation Scholarship Christine Samson University of Nevada Las Vegas Sponsor: Professional Baseball Athletic Trainers’ Society
NATA Foundation Scholarship Yichen Sun Wichita State University Sponsor: National Basketball Athletic Trainers’ Association
NATA Foundation Scholarship Jon Sung Chapman University Sponsor: Professional Baseball Athletic Trainers’ Society
NATA Foundation Scholarship Amber Wilson Missouri State University Sponsor: MAATA Athletic Trainers’ Student Leadership Council
Eddie Wojecki Memorial Scholarship Jessica Wooldridge Texas State University-San Marcos Sponsor: Southwest Athletic Trainers’ Association
DJO Global Scholarship Tammy Yanak Slippery Rock University Sponsor: DJO Global
Recognition of Master’s Scholarship Recipients Presenter Amy Chaffee, ATC
NATA Memorial Scholarship Kara Gorgos Mercyhurst College Sponsor: NATA Memorial Scholarship Fund
Denny & Linda Miller Scholarship Natalie Kramer University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse Sponsor: Purdue Athletic Training Family & Shelbourne Knee Center
GLATA Living Memorial Graduate Scholarship Michelle Lamb, ATC, LAT Ball State University Sponsor: Great Lakes Athletic Trainers’ Association
Dean Kleinschmidt Scholarship Josh Lammert, ATC, LAT Northwest Missouri State University Sponsor: Professional Football Athletic Trainers’ Society
Warren Lee Memorial Scholarship Michelle Snow University of Northern Colorado Sponsor: Rocky Mountain Athletic Trainers’ Association
Recognition of Master’s Scholarship Recipients Presenter Amanda Andrews-Benson, MSEd, ATC, LAT,
NATA Foundation Scholarship Tiffany Butler, MS, ATC Temple University Sponsor: FA Davis Company Publishers
Jeff Snedecker Memorial Scholarship Nicole Cattano, MPH, ATC Temple University Sponsor: National Basketball Athletic Trainers’ Association
Kent & Maxine Falb Scholarship Jeff Doeringer, MS, ATC Oregon State University Sponsor: National Football League Charities
Lindsay McLean Scholarship Jessica Dysart Miles University of Georgia Sponsor: Board of Certification
GLATA Living Pinky Newell Graduate Scholarship Hayley Ericksen, MS, ATC, LAT University of Toledo Sponsor: Great Lakes Athletic Trainers’ Association
Linda Weber Daniel Memorial Scholarship Lindsey Klykken, Med, ATC University of Michigan Sponsor: Great Lakes Athletic Trainers’ Association
Norm Mackie Memorial Scholarship Rebecca Stearns, MA, ATC, PES University of Connecticut Sponsor: Professional Hockey Athletic Trainers’ Association
Deloss Brubaker Award for Student Writing Presented by Deloss Brubaker EdD, ATC
Deloss Brubaker Award for Student Writing Case Study Cody Mansfield Chapman University
Deloss Brubaker Award for Student Writing Original Research Jun Hashiwaki Oklahoma State University
Deloss Brubaker Award for Student Writing Runners up for Original Research Drew Garner & Amanda Cutwright Stamford University
Bobby Gunn Student Leadership Award Presented by Robin Ploeger, EdD, ATC, LAT
Bobby Gunn Student Leadership Award District 1 Kaila Harpin Springfield College
Bobby Gunn Student Leadership Award District 3 Alexandra Lauren Lee West Virginia Wesleyan College
Bobby Gunn Student Leadership Award District 4 Alison Reddick Grand Valley State University
Bobby Gunn Student Leadership Award District 5 Shannon Robertson Oklahoma State University
Bobby Gunn Student Leadership Award District 6 Jessica Wooldridge Texas State University
Bobby Gunn Student Leadership Award District 7 Erika Harrison University of Northern Colorado
Bobby Gunn Student Leadership Award District 8 Emily Silva University of the Pacific
Bobby Gunn Student Leadership Award District 9 Alisha Tolbert Troy University
Athletic Training Student Challenge Award Presented by Mark Hoffman, PhD, ATC President, NATA Foundation
2011 Athletic Training Student Challenge Award Highest Contributor Western Carolina University Athletic Training Association
Athletic Training Student Challenge Award Highest Contributor -First Time Challenge Participant Michigan State University
Congratulations to all the recipients!!! All recipients are asked to stay for pictures