Research Process in General. Formulation of the Research Problem. Review of Related Literature. Setting the Research Objectives or Hypothesis. Research Design & Sample Design Data collection. Analysis and Interpretation of Data. Preparation of Research Report.
Research Project Format I. Prefatory Pages II. Body of the Report III. Terminal Items
I. Prefatory Pages i) Title/Cover Page ii) Declaration iii) Guide’s certificate iv) Company’s certificate v) Acknowledgement vi) Content Page
II. Body of the Report Chapter I : Introduction Chapter II: Profile of the organisation Chapter III : Research Design & Methodology Chapter IV: Conceptual Background Chapter V : Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Chapter VI : Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion
III. Terminal Items 1. Bibliography. 2. Appendices Questionnaire or Interview Schedule Complex Tables Technical Notes.
DECLARATION I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the Project Report entitled “Title of the Project” written and submitted by me to the University of Pune, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration under the guidance of (Name of the Guide) is my original work and the conclusions drawn therein are based on the material collected by myself. Place: Date : Signature of Student
CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the Project Report entitled “Title of the Project” which is being submitted herewith for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration of University of Pune, Pune is the result of the original research work completed by (Name of the student) under my supervision and guidance. To the best of my knowledge and belief the work embodied in this Project Report has not formed earlier the basis for the award of any degree or similar title of this or any other University or examining body. Place: Date: Signature of Research Guide
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Introduction ( Concept and context of the study.) Statement of the Problem. Objectives of the Study. Scope and Limitations of the Study.
CHAPTER II PROFILE OF THE ORGANISATION 1. Name, Address and Location of the company 2. Vision and Mission of the Organisation 3. Historical Background of the Organistion 4. Organisational Chart 5. Current status of the organisation. 6. Different product profiles of the company. 7. Future Plans of the organisation. 8. Any other relevant information of the organisation- National/International participation or recognition / awards etc.
CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY Sources of Data Collection Primary Source Secondary Source Sample Description Method of sample selection Size of sample Sample analysis.
CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY Sources of Data Collection. 1. Primary Source: a) Observation Method b) Interview Method c) Questionnaire Method.
CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 2. Secondary Source: a) Books b) Journals c) Company Publications : Newsletter / Annual Reports / Company Profiles. d) Websites
CHAPTER III RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY Sample Description Method of sample selection a) Probability sampling b) Non-Probability sampling Size of sample Sample analysis.
CHAPTER IV Conceptual Background Related Literature Previous research on the relevant topic Conceptual Description of the topic. Theoretical Background.
CHAPTER V DATA PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Present Data in Tabular form a) Table No. b) Title of the table. c) Captions (Columns Heading) d) Stubs (Row Heading) e) Table Body f) Head Note g) Foot Note Interpretation of the data. Presentation of various Statistical measures to analyse the data.
CHAPTER VI Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion This chapter should cover the following: 1. Main Findings (Based only on the analysis and interpretation of the data) 2. Suggestions (only major suggestion). 3. Conclusion-This is the brief summing up of the entire project, preferably with positive attitude.
Bibliography Name of the Author, Title of the Book/Periodical, Name of the Publication, Year of Publication, Place of Publication, Page No. Krishnaswamy,K.N., (2006), Management Research Methodology: Integration of Principles, Methods and Techniques, Pearson Education, New Delhi, Pg 201
TITLE PAGE “ Title of the Project” Project Report Submitted to University of Pune In Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the Award of Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION By “Name of Student” Under the guidance of “Name of Faculty / Guide” Name of Institution “Year of Course”
CONTENT Chapter No. Particulars Page No. Executive summary of the Project. Chapter I : Introduction Chapter II: Profile of the organisation Chapter III : Research Design & Methodology Chapter IV: Conceptual Background Chapter V : Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation Chapter VI : Findings, Suggestions and Conclusion. Bibliography Appendix/Annexure.