Politics as Usual Real legislative process includes cooperation and competition. Decisions are required to bring legislation to a vote, make deals, and voting. Polls are accurate and candidates pay close attention to them.
TRUST IN THE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 1. How much of the time do you trust the government in Washington to do what is right? 2. What is the best route to restore trust in our government?
Contract With America In 1994 Republicans for Congress pledged to voters that, if elected, they would bring to a vote specific bills designed to reform congressional procedures. The contract had its desired effect, for in the November elections the Republicans won control of both houses of Congress for the first time in two generations.
Contract with America All laws that apply to the rest of the country also apply equally to the Congress. Independent audit of Congress for waste, fraud or abuse. Require a 3/5 majority vote to pass a tax increase. Cut the committees and staff by 1/3. Limit the terms of all committee chairs. Ban the casting of proxy votes. Require committee meetings to open to the public.
Contract with America Balanced Budget Amendment Good Faith Exclusionary Rule Welfare spending cuts Repeal the marriage tax penalty No U.S. troops under UN command Tax incentives for adoption Raise SS earnings limit Loser pay lawsTerm limits