Language is the most powerful, most readily available tool we have for representing the world to ourselves and ourselves to the world. Language is not only a means of communication, it is a primary instrument of thought, a defining feature of culture, and an unmistakable mark of personal identity. Encouraging and enabling students to learn to use language effectively is certainly one of society’s most important tasks.
“Lifted” Sentences Wassamadderwiththese? 1. I am a huge New England patriots fan who watches all their games. 2. I am the searcher of a nittany lion costume. 3. I am a loving owner of my two dogs Dakota and peanut. 4. I am afraid of the band slipnot and their really scary masks. 5. I am deeply possessed to buy clothes from American eagle. 6. I am deathly afraid of sharks ever since I saw the movie jaws. 7. I am a reader that reads a lot of meaningful books like speak and twisted. 8. I am a girl who has swam in both the atlantic and pacific.
Capitals Count!! A weeee little review...
Capitals Count! Capitalize all proper nouns: – Not just any state... but Tennessee – Not just any book... but The Hunger Games – Not just any sneakers... but Nike – Not just any store... but Macy’s
Capitals Count! Capitalize geographical names: – cities/towns: Quakertown, Philadelphia – states: Pennsylvania, New Jersey – countries: England, Italy – sections of the country: the Midwest, the North
Capitals Count! Capitalize geographical names: – bodies of water: Lake Nokamixon, Indian Ocean – streets/highways: Route 309, Cherry Lane – parks: Valley Forge Park, Fischer’s Park – mountains: Mount Everest, Rocky Mountains – continents: North America, Asia
Capitals Count! Capitalize names of organizations, businesses, institutions, and government bodies: – Drama Club – Air National Guard – Grandview Hospital – Department of Adults and Aging – Strayer Middle School
Capitals Count! Capitalize special events and calendar items: – World Series – Skippack Fall Fling – Fourth of July – Friday – October – (NB – this is totally weird, but the names of seasons do not get capitalized: fall, winter, spring, summer)
Capitals Count! Capitalize historical events and periods: – Revolutionary War – Middle Ages – Renaissance – Ice Age – Battle of Bunker Hill
Capitals Count! Capitalize the names of nationalities, races, and religions: – Spanish, Polish, Italian – Lutheran, Catholic – Caucasian, Native American
Capitals Count! Capitalize brand names of business products: – Saab, Honda, Volkswagon – Ivory soap – Pottery Barn towels – American Eagle jeans – (NB –only the brand name is capitalized; the common noun following it is lower case)
Capitals Count! Capitalize the names of ships, planets, monuments, and awards: – monuments/memorials: Washington Monument, Vietnam Veterans Memorial – awards: Principal’s Award, Pulitzer Prize, Honor Roll – ships/trains: U.S.S. Maine, Titanic, Septa – planets/stars: Venus, Saturn, the Big Dipper (Again – totally weird, but “sun” and “moon” are not capitalized)
Now you try: fixemup! 1.According to the federal aviation administration, united states airlines are the safest in the world. 2. The president’s Saturday talks from the white house were broadcast on the radio. 3. The sacred muslim city of mecca is one of the two capitals of saudi arabia. 4.A great many words came in to the english language from greek and latin. 5. Each summer, a group from the methodist youth fellowship travels to appalachia to help poor people in the area.