INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Name: Carol A. Smith (Please call me Carol. ) AIM: cdollarsmith Contact information: is best first contact. I check frequently during the week and at least once on the weekend. If you have an urgent question, please put URGENT in the subject line. These are the questions that are answered first.
CM107: Course Overview COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students will learn how to communicate effectively in their professional field using various writing styles. Students will also identify and further develop their own writing process. Grammar and mechanics will be reviewed, helping students focus on the areas that will improve their writing. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: By completing this course, you will be able to: CM107-1: Compose original materials in Standard English CM107-2: Use appropriate documentation as required CM107-3: Illustrate the steps in the writing process CM107-4: Apply course knowledge of communication to a chosen profession
Journey of the Hero CM107 uses the metaphor of the Journey of the Hero to emphasize the importance of the writing process. Joseph Campbell Video reviews this journey Writing is a journey, a process of self-discovery and development The Quest has powerful benefits, both to you and for those you write to inform or persuade through your words
ACCEPT THE CALL What is the Call to Adventure in Joseph Campbell’s monomyth? Why is this relevant to you and your writing journey? What will your journey involve? What challenges will you face? What will you do to overcome them? What is the goal of your quest for writing excellence?
Course Requirements Discussion Board, 40 points each unit (1-9), for a total of 360 possible points Seminar, 10 points each unit (1-9), for a total of 90 possible points Journal, 10 points each unit (1-9), for a total of 90 possible points Grammar Review, pretest in unit 2 (ungraded) and Post-Test in unit 8, 50 possible points Unit 3 project, 3 paragraph analysis of a courageous figure, 70 possible points Unit 6 Project, Outline and Draft of Final Project Essay, 150 possible points Unit 9 Final Project, Informative Essay, 200 possible points
Grade Distribution
DISCUSSION BOARD 360 possible points, over 1/3 of the course grade Excellent writing practice opportunity MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: One initial response an at least 2 responses to classmates Initial response must be well-developed, respond fully to all questions, and must reference reading and video material Responses to classmates should be at least a paragraph, advance the discussion, and go beyond simple praise or agreement. They MUST follow specific directions If you want MAXIMUM points, do not do MINIMUM work. Simply posting 1 initial discussion and responding to 2 classmates does not guarantee full points. SAMPLE DISCUSSION BOARD POSTS IN EACH UNIT QUESTIONS: What is an effective DB post? What are ways to respond EFFECTIVELY to classmates’ posts? What are some strategies for making the most of the DISCUSSION BOARD EXPERIENCE?
SEMINAR 90 possible points Follow the YELLOW link in MY SEMINARS to enter seminar Attending is not participating. In order to earn points in seminar, you must participate. If you are unable to attend live seminar, complete seminar OPTION 2 before the end of the unit. You must listen to the complete seminar recording and then summarize the most important issues covered in seminar and then ANALYZE how this information is beneficial to you. This must be submitted as an attached Word document to the unit seminar dropbox. QUESTION: Why is seminar valuable to your success in the course?
JOURNAL Units 1-8, possible 80 points CREDIT/NO CREDIT LOW STAKES WRITING SELF-REFLECTION QUESTIONS: How is journal writing different than DB and Project writing? What is the value of Self- Reflection?
GRAMMAR REVIEW Pre-test in unit 2, 50 questions covering major grammar and punctuation issues. Not Graded, for feedback Units 2-8 include grammar review and interactive exercises to prepare for Grammar Post-Test Writing Center links in each unit Grammar Post-Test in unit 8, 50 questions, NOT the same questions in unit 2 pre-test. QUESTIONS: Why study grammar? Why is appropriate grammar important to writing and speaking?
WRITING PROJECTS Unit 3 Project is a 3 paragraph assignment that analyzes the definition of courage through an example. Must be in APA format. 70 possible points. Unit 6 Project is an OUTLINE and DRAFT of the FINAL PROJECT ESSAY. It must be in APA format and use and cite reliable sources. 150 possible points. Final Project, due in unit 9, is the final draft of the informative essay. It must be in APA format and use and cite reliable sources and demonstrate substantial revision of the Unit 6 Draft. 200 possible points. SAMPLE PROJECTS AVAILABLE. THEY ARE NOT PERFECT BUT OFFER AN OPPORTUNITY TO DISCUSS ISSUES TO AVOID AND THINGS TO DO. THEY ARE ANNOTATED and are available in the unit. QUESTIONS: What strategies help to create WRITING SUCCESS on projects? Why are Planning, Drafting and Revising important? How can PROJECT RUBRICS be of value?
LATE POLICIES Unless you have communicated with me, late work submitted after 11:59 pm et on Tuesday may receive a late deduction. 10% for 1day to 1 week, 20% for 2 weeks, 30% for up to 3 weeks. Seminar Option should be completed within the unit it is due. QUESTIONS: Why are deadlines important? How can you make sure you do not fall behind?
WRITING AND ITS IMPORTANCE Writing allows us to demonstrate knowledge to others Writing also helps us to learn Writing allows us to inform others and shape their lives, thoughts and actions Writing can create change and motivate others to action QUESTIONS: How can writing well help YOU? How can you use your writing SKILLS to your advantage?
WRITING AT WORK Writing is a large part of many careers It is used as part of the HIRING process and companies promote at least in part because of strong communication skills How is writing a part of YOUR FUTURE CAREER? How can you build your writing strengths? What are the qualities of GOOD writing in your field? How can you learn to be an effective writer in your field?
RHETORICAL SITUATION Writing is SITUATIONAL The information included, the level of formality, and the format all depend upon the specific SITUATION Effective writing considers AUDIENCE and PURPOSE Consider the difference between an to a friend, a memo to your supervisor, an essay written in class, or a report written to a potential business investor. What are the differences? How are they situational and how do AUDIENCE and PURPOSE control how they are written?
WHAT ABOUT YOU? What are your writing strengths and weaknesses? How can you strengthen your strengths? How can you Improve on and remove weaknesses? Why is being PROACTIVE important to writing improvement? Why is seeking HELP important to writing improvement? What is your BEST writing experience?
QUESTIONS? What SYLLABUS questions do you have? What questions do you have about the course? Be sure to review the Joseph Campbell Journey of the Hero video and consider how this is relevant to your OWN writing process