2014 VIRGINIA ENERGY PLAN PROCESS BRIEFING May 2014 Virginia Energy Efficiency Council Meeting Thursday May 29, 2014 Presented by: Hayes Framme Advisor for Infrastructure and Development Office of the Secretary of Commerce and Trade Al Christopher Director of the Division of Energy Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy 2014 Energy & Sustainability Conference
Code of Virginia requires the Virginia Energy Plan to be updated by October 1 st, 2014 with an interim report by October 1 of the third year of each administration. Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy (DMME) is the agency tasked with preparing the Virginia Energy Plan. Per statute, DMME will consult with the Department of Environmental Quality, the State Corporation Commission, and the Center for Coal and Energy Research during preparation of the Virginia Energy Plan. Primary source of data for energy price, production, consumption, etc. is the Energy Information Administration (EIA) Energy & Sustainability Conference VEP Background
Engaging the public and interested stakeholders throughout much of the process. Public listening sessions, website, proactive outreach. Multiple drafts. VEP Process ActionMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctober VEP Drafting Process Stakeholder Engagement Public Input Period Public Listening Sessions 2014 VEP published electronically
2014 Energy & Sustainability Conference Overview Energy Sources Coal, Nuclear, Natural Gas, Electricity, Petroleum, Renewables Topics of Focus Efficiency, Infrastructure, Alternative Fuels & Advanced Vehicle Technology, R&D, Co2, Security & Assurance Findings & Recommendations VEP Framework
Fresh Start Diverse Energy Mix Growing Energy Jobs Productivity and Efficiency VEP Themes
Pieces to the Puzzle 2014 Energy & Sustainability Conference Impactful Actionable Bold Pragmatic Energy Goals Input and Outcomes
CONTACT INFO Hayes Framme Advisor for Infrastructure and Development Office of the Secretary of Commerce and Trade Al Christopher Director of the Division of Energy Thank You