SERDP and ESTCP A Briefing to the Armed Forces Pest Management Board: Opportunities to Advance Science and Technology Alison A. Dalsimer HydroGeoLogic, Inc. SERDP/ESTCP Support Contractor 14 February 2007
SERDP/ESTCP Overview Basic and Applied Research Demonstration / Validation
Environmental Drivers Reduction of Current and Future Liability Contamination from Past Practices Chlorinated Solvents Remain Intractable Large Potential UXO Liability New Contaminants Emerging (Perchlorate) Pollution Prevention to Control Life Cycle Costs Elimination of Hazardous Materials Reduces Cost of Operation, Repair & Demil Goal is to achieve Compliance Through Pollution Prevention
Sustainability of Ranges and Range Operations Threatened and Endangered Species Toxic Air Emissions and Dust Noise NOX and PM Urban Growth & Encroachment Unexploded Ordnance Maritime Sustainability Environmental Drivers
SERDP/ESTCP Combined Program Office Director ESTCPSERDP Executive Director Jeff Marqusee Bradley Smith Contract Project Manager Sam Figuli, HGL Financial Officer Jina Banks, Margaret Banks Program Support HGL Program Mgr for Sustainable Infrastructure John Hall Program Mgr for Weapons Systems & Platforms Charles Pellerin Program Mgr for Environmental Restoration Andrea Leeson Program Mgr for Environmental Restoration Andrea Leeson Program Mgr for Munitions Management Anne Andrews Program Mgr for Munitions Management Anne Andrews
SI Thrust Structure Natural Resources Cultural Resources Facilities
Natural Resources Ecosystem-Based Management Land Mgt and Watershed Protection Maritime Sustainability Threatened, Endangered, and At-Risk Species
Cultural Resources Archaeological Historic Properties
Facilities Noise Waste Air Quality Water Quality Energy Installation Sustainability
Program Development Process
Generating Ideas Technical Committees Workshops
SERDP and ESTCP Technical Committees Statement of Need (SON) Development Topic Areas and Priorities Project Selection Project / Program Review
Workshops Cultural Resources (7/06) SE Range Sustainability (4/07) TER-S Regional –Pacific Islands (6/06) –Southeast (2/07) –Southwest (10/07)
Services’ Requirements Services’ Requirements SERDP / ESTCP Committees Army Navy Air Force DOE EPA SERDP / ESTCP Committees Army Navy Air Force DOE EPA Proposals Open Solicitation Open Solicitation Statements of Need/Topic Areas Statements of Need/Topic Areas Funded Projects Funded Projects SON Development
SERDP Solicitation Process Pre-Proposal Full Proposal Peer Review STC Review and Program Development SAB Review EWG Approval Council Approval Staff Review Full Proposal EWG Call Private Sector BAA BAA Call STC Develop SONs Federal Sector
ESTCP Solicitation Process Call for Dem/Val Projects: January 2007 Address DoD environmental requirements Competitive Two Step Process DoD lead Pre-Proposal: Technology Selection Short written pre-proposal Modifications recommended Full Proposal: Final Prioritization Full proposal Oral presentations Forge partnerships
Funding Amounts and Allocations
= Congressional Adds $ M FY 2006 $8.75 M Add Reprogrammed to ESTCP FY 04FY 05FY 06FY 07FY 08FY 09FY 10FY 11 = Budget Request SERDP FY 2007 FUNDING ($ M)
ESTCP FY 2007 Funding ($ M) = Congressional Adds $ M $8.75 M Add Reprogrammed from SERDP FY05FY06FY07FY08FY09FY10FY11
ESTCP FY 2007 Funding Distribution $ million 107 Projects $ million 107 Projects Environmental Restoration 31% Munitions Management 21% Sustainable Infrastructure 10% Weapons Systems and Platforms 28% Program Office 7% SBIR etc. 3%
SERDP FY 2007 Funding Distribution $ M Appropriated Environmental Restoration 26% Weapons Systems and Platforms 20% Munitions Management 16% Sustainable Infrastructure 22% Support 10% Undistributed Reductions 6%
Invasive Species Inventory, Monitoring, Mapping Control Technologies and Assessments Prevention
Examples of Invasive Species Projects
SERDP SI-1143 Application of Hyperspectral Techniques to Monitoring and Management of Invasive Weed Infestations (Dr. Susan Ustin, University of California)
SERDP SI-1145 Integrated Control and Assessment of Knapweed and Cheatgrass on DoD Installations (Dr. Mark Paschke Colorado State University) Knapweed Cheatgrass
SERDP SI-1389 Effectiveness of Selected Native Plants as Competitors with Non-Indigenous and Invasive Knapweed and Thistle Species (Dr. Ann Hild University of Wyoming)
SERDP SI-1244 Harmful Algae, Bacteria, and Fauna Transported by Department of Defense Vessels (Dr. JoAnn Burkholder, North Carolina State)
SERDP SI-1245 Characterization of Aquatic Non- Indigenous Species for Department of Defense Vessels (Dr. Eric Holm, Naval Surface Warfare Center)
SERDP SI-1467 A Novel Approach to Managing Invasive Termite Species Using Genetically Engineered Bacteria (Dr. Claudia Husseneder, Louisiana State Univ.) Formosan Subterranean Termites
ESTCP SI-0401 Implementation and Commercialization of New Germplasms for Use on Military Ranges (Mr. Antonio Palazzo, ERDC/CRREL)
Getting the Details SERDP: ESTCP: Online Library: –Final Reports –Fact Sheets –Cost and Performance Reports TER-S Regional Workshops –
John A. Hall, Ph.D. Sustainable Infrastructure Program Manager SERDP/ESTCP Alison Dalsimer Sr. Conservation and Resource Specialist
Sponsored by SERDP and ESTCP Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop December 4-6, 2007 Marriott Wardman Park Hotel Washington, D.C.