Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 1 Proposals Proposals are marketing tools that sell your ideas to others A persuasive document that Communicates what you plan to do or offer Explains how you will implement what you propose Convinces potential customer that you can better meet his or her needs than the competition Stresses unique qualifications of your organization to do the job or provide goods or services Often stands alone in selling your solution or services
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 2 Classification of Proposals Internal Versus External Internal Usually directed at a specific level of management within your organization Can be simple or time-consuming and lengthy Has the potential to radically change the organization Reorganize the company Build new facilities External A marketing tool aimed at current or prospective customers More common than internal proposals
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 3 Classification of Proposals Solicited Proposals Respond to a request Advertised Requested when desired product or service can be defined concisely and quantitatively Suppliers learn of requirements in Invitation for Bids (IFB) Negotiated proposal Allows writer to specify a proposed solution to the need Originates with Request for Proposals (RFP) from potential customer; explains need and seeks responses
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 4 Classification of Proposals Unsolicited Proposals Identify a need and propose to meet it Initiated by the proposal writer More difficult to write than solicited proposal Target audience must first be convinced: That a need exists That the response is worth the time and money required Preparing and presenting generally requires exceptional persuasive skills
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 5 Classification of Proposals Forms of Proposals Letter proposals Written for projects that aren’t complex; brief Used to present qualification or commercial proposals Preliminary proposals Used in service areas such as public accounting or advertising May be either qualification or commercial proposals
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 6 Classification of Proposals Forms of Proposals Detailed proposals Longest and most complex Usually commercial proposals that contain precise plans and cost estimates Oral Can accompany written qualifications but should not take their place An opportunity for experts to explain their areas of knowledge and experience, detail the services they can provide, and give immediate feedback to questions
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 7 The Proposal Planning Process Screening: The Bid/No Bid Decision Most important aspect of the planning process Screen RFP or IFB to decide if you should compete for the job Does your firm meet the qualifications? Is your company capable of doing the work? How will taking the work influence your staff’s workload? Will taking this job enhance your reputation? What are your chances of winning? Determine the total value of the project to your firm
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 8 The Proposal Planning Process Creating a capture plan An analytical planning document prepared for internal use Ensures the creation of a winning proposal Involves careful planning to review all variables that might affect the proposal Entails conducting a customer analysis and a situational analysis
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 9 The Proposal Planning Process Conduct a customer analysis Problem identification Meet with contracting agent and ask questions Needs analysis Examine RFP or IFB to fully understand customer needs Customer’s previous procurement background Conduct research to determine customer’s buying behavior Proposal evaluator Use formal list of criteria to be used in the evaluation as a checklist for your proposal
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 10 The Proposal Planning Process Conduct a situational analysis Competitor analysis Know the strengths and weaknesses of the competition Internal analysis What are your company’s strengths and previous experience in this specific field? Build on or sell your company’s reputation Theme development Develop a few major themes that communicate that your ideas are better than everyone else’s
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 11 The Proposal Planning Process Formulating a Solution and Strategies Technical strategy Explains the solution and how it will be implemented To convince reader that solution best meets his needs Management strategy Establishes your company’s ability to carry out solution Cost strategy or cost estimate Allows reader to assess if company can afford products or services proposed Allows reader to determine if your offering is competitively priced
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 12 The Proposal Planning Process Budgeting and Scheduling the Proposal Effort Prepare a proposal cost budget Prepare a proposal schedule Proposal manager monitors and controls costs Use Gantt chart to aid in scheduling Schedule all proposal activities to meet crucial deadlines Scheduling forces you to be organized!
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 13 The Proposal Writing Process The Writing Process Be persuasive Use a hook or attention-getting device Back up your statements with facts and statistics Write effectively Clear, concise, attractive and free of errors Organize writing for maximum clarity and effect Use graphic appeal Pay attention to the layout of your proposal Use appropriate graphics to illustrate and clarify
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 14 The Proposal Writing Process Additional Types of Proposals Procurement proposal Requested by government entities State who qualifies to submit a proposal, what form it should take and what information should appear Must follow RFP or IFB directions exactly Grant proposal Used by nonprofit organizations to obtain funding Organization must prove its nonprofit status Present a plan for obtaining additional funding in the future
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 15 The Proposal Writing Process Proposal Formats Cover materials letter of transmittal, title page, table of contents Executive summary Briefly states the need or problem, solution, plan, and costs and resources required Introductory materials Background to the situation or cause of the problem Purpose and goals of the proposal
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 16 The Proposal Writing Process Proposal Formats Need or problem statement State the problem concisely Technical solution or methodology Heart of the proposal Present solution and prove that it is the best alternative Management profiles Introduce the individual or team who will implement solution; describe how you will organize the project Describe administrative methods; sell company strengths
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 17 The Proposal Writing Process Proposal Formats Budget Provide thorough breakdown of costs List subcontractors, their qualifications, and costs Conclusion and recommendations Last chance to sell your solution Summarize the problem and your solution Bibliography (research resources) Appendices (resumes, letters of reference)
Chapter 8 - The Planning and Writing of Persuasive Proposals 18 Finishing Touches Packaging Professional appearance Type should be clean and easy to read Enclose external proposals in a binder Evaluating the proposal Evaluate proposal in light of RFP or IFB to ensure that it is complete Delivering the proposal Be sure to submit correct number of copies Be prepared to make an oral presentation, if necessary