Be true to yourself and live your dreams Valentina Tassone 26 November 2008 “Intuitive Intelligence” Course WUR
Content The life of some inspiring people What do we need to live an inspiring life Exercises: “be in contact with yourself and discover your talents”
The life of some inspiring people Albert Einstein Physicist Mother Theresa Humanitarian Ghandi Political Leader
Beethoven Composer Michael Phelps Swimmer Martin Luther King Activist The life of some inspiring people
Who is a hero? In literature, mythology, films, arts: A hero (or heroine) is someone who has found or done something beyond the normal range of achievement and experience. A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself In daily life: A hero is simply someone who: discover who he/she deeply is and what his/her heart wishes are and manifest this in life.
The journey of the hero Call to adventure Doubts and resistence Departure Obstacles and Helpers Fulfillment Based on: J. Campbell, 1990.The Hero With a Thousand Faces D.k. Osbon, Reflections on the Art of Living.
Example: Your nature Your dream Society values Opinions fear of the unkown Your beliefs Call to adventure …………..
What can help you to know yourself and to get in contact with your nature and qualities? Psychological approach cognitive and behavioral analysis typical of Western psychology Spiritual approach Mindfulness Meditation Visualization exercises Being in nature and contemplating Quietness through physical exercise Call to adventure } Call for integration
Call to adventure Process of entrainment Bringing heart and mind together Childre and Martin, The Hearthmath solution
Exercise Mindfulness Short investigation of some of your talents
Mindfulness You need to be willing to inquire You acknowledge what is going on in and around you You allow the experience to be there as it is The art of being present