Objective Formulation and Wrap-up of High-level Design


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Presentation transcript:

Objective Formulation and Wrap-up of High-level Design EDU 553 – Principles of Instructional Design Dr. Steve Broskoske This is an audio PowerCast. Make sure your volume is turned up, and press F5 to begin. Audio will not begin until slide #4.

Outline Writing Objectives Putting Together the High Level Design Document Review and Next Steps

Writing Objectives

The Basis for Objectives Review essential knowledge and tasks. Group the task analysis into clusters. Write an objective for each goal statement. Write objectives for additional essential information. As you formulate objectives, you may end up revising your task analysis diagram (and your content outline). ID is a dynamic process!

Writing Performance Objectives Audience Who is the learner? (Focus on the individual learner.) Behavior What specific observable, measurable behavior will be performed? Condition Under what specific conditions will the behavior will be performed? Degree What percentage/degree of accuracy will the behavior be performed? (Sometimes by the nature of the task this is self-evident.)

Writing Performance Objectives In general, ensure that the objectives specify observable behaviors. State what the learner will do to demonstrate learning, not what the instructor will do to provide the instruction.

Writing Performance Objectives When describing behavior in objectives, avoid the use of verbs such as: Understand, know, appreciate, believe, feel. Use verbs such as: Adjust, assemble, build, calculate, categorize, choose, circle, count, demonstrate, describe, discuss, explain, identify, label, list, match, operate, provide, sort, state, summarize, write.

Example Given a one page document to edit that uses three different acronyms, the 8th grade student will demonstrate the proper use of acronyms by spelling out the acronyms the first time they are used in a technical document with 100% accuracy. Audience? The 8th grade student. Behavior? Demonstrate the proper use of acronyms by spelling out the acronyms the first time they are used in a technical document. Condition? Given a one page document to edit that uses three different acronyms. Degree of acceptable performance? 100% accuracy.

Example Given a periodic table, sophomore students will identify a given element as a metal or non-metal with 90% accuracy. Audience? Sophomore students. Behavior? Identify a given element as a metal or non-metal. Condition? Given a periodic table. Degree of acceptable performance? 90% accuracy.

Base Objectives on Bloom’s Taxonomy Knowledge Ability to recognize and recall information. Memory. Comprehension Ability to translate, explain, or interpret knowledge. Comprehension. Application Apply knowledge to address new situations. Analysis Scrutinize information knowledge and explain its significance. Synthesis Form new ideas. Evaluation Offer opinions and make value judgments.

Writing Assessment Items Remember, the Dick and Carey model of Instructional Design calls for writing assessment items at this point. Focuses instruction.

Writing Assessment Items

Putting It All Together

Our Final Project High-level design document for an instructional module. Computer-based training instructional module.

High-level Design Document Create a professional-looking document to present and “sell” your training module. Create a document with 5 sections, each one beginning on a separate page. Place the design document in a folder/binder.

High-level Design Document Executive summary. One to two-page overview. Needs assessment. Introduce “problem.” Learner analysis. Analyze learners, and implications for training. Task analysis. Analyze task, to show thoroughness of training. Objective formulation. Indicate what training will accomplish.

Executive Summary Create a one to two-page summary that provides all of the essential information for a busy executive who might not read the entire document.

Needs Assessment Describe the need for training (the “problem”). Choose an analysis strategy: Discrepancy, input-output, cost-benefit analysis. Research and present data: Test scores, results of a survey, institutional records, comparative data.

Learner Analysis Define your audience. Describe the characteristics of audience. Describe strengths. Describe weaknesses. List areas of potential difficulty.

Task Analysis Illustrate and describe the task to be learned in the document. Determine the major tasks and subtasks or components of the subject matter content. Organize the components and represent their relationships in some way.

Objectives List several objectives for the training, using the ABCD method. Build objectives on Bloom’s Taxonomy, from lower levels to higher. 1 or 2 objectives at the knowledge level, 1 or 2 at the comprehension level, and 1 or 2 at the application level.

Review and Next Steps Design Document Executive summary. Needs assessment. Learner analysis. Task analysis. Objective formulation. Prototype Computer-based training module based on the design document. First half of semester. Rest of semester.